The Research, Innovation, and Commercialization Institute or Lembaga Penelitian, Inovasi, dan Komersialisasi (LPIK) ITB, in collaboration with the Management of Technology Laboratory (MoTLab) SBM ITB, conducted an online Focus Group Discussion (FGD) on “Technology Commercialization Management in Higher Education.” The event held via the Zoom Meeting platform (12/7), with live streaming also available on the YouTube channel

The FGD featured relevant speakers, including the CEO of PT. Rekacipta Inovasi ITB, the Secretary of the Technology Transfer Department at LPIK ITB, the Commissioner of PT. Rekacipta Inovasi ITB, the Director of BPUDL-ITB, the Director of PUI UGM, the Head of LKST IPB University, inventors, investors (MDI Telkom), representatives from SMEs and startups such as Lintasarta and Kazee, large corporations (SOEs and private), as well as government representatives.

The event was opened by a representative from LPIK ITB, Mr. Arif Sasongko, who highlighted the importance of collaboration with industries and the need for research sandboxing. “Collaboration with industries and research sandboxing efforts are challenges that need to be discussed in this forum.”

Rofiq Iqbal, Ph.D., the Secretary of the Technology Transfer Department, LPIK ITB, presented the management of technology commercialization resulting from research at ITB through LPIK ITB.

The commercialization of technology is a crucial aspect for the national progress. Higher education institutions have great potential to contribute as research centers by commercializing research products. However, continuous efforts are needed to improve the effectiveness of the commercialization process in higher education.

The Director of the Agency for University Business and Endowment Fund Management (BPUDL) ITB, Deddy P. Koesridartoto, Ph.D.,  highlighted the overlapping schemes of campus research commercialization that need better orchestration. “Collaboration among research commercialization initiatives in ITB, as already carried out by PT. Rekacipta Inovasi ITB and LPIK need to be well-managed.”, said the Director.

Deddy P. Koesridartoto, Ph.D., the Director of BPUDL ITB, presented the role of BPUDL ITB in supporting technology commercialization at ITB.

During the event, discussions were initiated with narrations from actors or institutions involved in technology commercialization in higher education, including representatives from ITB, IPB, UGM, and responses from inventors, investors, industries, and companies.

Prof. Erika Budiarti Laconi, the Head of LKST IPB University, presented IPB University’s efforts in commercialization with a one-stop approach, where IPB facilitates all commercialization endeavors. “At IPB, no lecturer works alone; everything goes through LKST IPB University,” said Prof. Erika.

Dr. Hargo Utomo, the Director of PUI UGM, added that understanding market needs and behaviors is crucial to commercialization efforts. “The commercialization of technological innovation relies more on the ‘art’ rather than the ‘science,.'” said Dr. Hargo.

Prof. Erika Budiarti Laconi, Head of LKST, IPB University, presented the research commercialization management at IPB University.

This FGD session is expected to create valuable insights and solutions for the effectiveness of technology commercialization in higher education, thereby positively impacting innovation progress in Indonesia. The moderator, Dedy Sushandoyo, Ph.D., from the MoT Lab, made several notes. First, the importance of good governance and totality in technology commercialization management, the need to understand and follow market potential/demand, the importance of support for researchers, the need for a commercialization playbook, sandboxing in Science Techno Park, and sustainable cooperation and communication with industries.

Group photo of the Online Focus Group Discussion participants: Technology Commercialization Management in Higher Education.

Written by MoT Lab team (Uruqul Nadhif & Anisa Azizah)