SBM ITB, through The Greater Hub, in collaboration with Google Developer Groups Bandung, held Google IO Extended Bandung 2023 on Saturday (22/7/2023) at the ITB Ganesha campus. Hundreds of participants attended to develop their potential in the field of Cloud Development through discussions with the experts.
This event presented Co-Founder Andrew Kurniadi, Android eW+ Software Engineer Veronica Putri Anggraini, Flutter Tutorial Creator & Flutter Trainer Erico Darmawan, Sr. Web Engineer Human Made Ivan Kristianto, Co-Founder of Ibnu Sina Wardy, Cloud Perform Architect GovTechEdu M. Saiful Islam, R&D and Innovation Director of Indonesia AI Society M. Ghifary, and Engineer Manager of GITS Indonesia Hadian Rachmat and Director of The Greater Hub Dina Dellyana.
Google IO Extended Bandung is a regional event that brings together developers from all over Bandung to learn about the latest Google technology. The event features hands-on talks, workshops, and labs led by Google engineers and experts.
Google IO Extended Bandung is an excellent opportunity for developers to learn new skills, network with other developers, and get inspired by the latest technology trends.
One of the participants, M. Emir Hafizh Wahyudi, said that the experience of participating in this activity was one of the best. According to him, development in cloud management is currently important, considering the increasingly common use of technology that continues to grow in administrative data.