Two students from the SBM ITB class of 2023, Frederik Agustian Budiharja, Aurel Fidelia and Nur Hanifah Lastianto, students of Industrial Engineering at the University Indonesia, won the second place at the Unilever Future Leaders’ League 2023 (UFLL) event in London, UK, on 12-13 July. As the representatives of Indonesia, Frederik and Aurel competed with many students from other countries in this prestigious competition.
UFLL is a local and global business competition event organized by Unilever, a global consumer goods company. Participants must initially take part in competitions at the local level, where contestants will solve business cases, particularly in the field of marketing. Frederik, Aurel and Nur Hanifah made a marketing plan or solution for one of Unilever’s brands, namely Axe.
In finding solutions to these business cases, the Indonesian team carried out five steps: understanding the case study and its limits, searching for primary and secondary data, identifying problems, formulating solutions, and seeking input/feedback. After the solution formulation process, they designed several ways to penetrate the global market, one of which was by creating a product construction campaign. Of the ten teams, only three teams became finalists and joined the global level. Their team managed to continue to become finalists and became the top global finalists.
While in London, they took part in several seminars and sharing sessions preparing them before the peak of the competition. After all their hard work, they won second place in the global finalists, competing with many teams from various countries. Participating in UFLL events has many benefits, including extensive networking due to the global coverage of friends, new experiences and lessons. In addition, it was an extraordinary experience despite the challenges, but the contestants supported each other and implemented self-development to improve. “When it was announced that we won, wow, I was very grateful to have this opportunity, I made lots of new friends and was able to come to London to participate in some programs, such as sharing sessions” said Frederik in his interview.
Frederik, Aurel, and Nur Hanifah have a message for beginners aspiring to enter the world of competition: do not let fear or feelings of inadequacy hold you back, as this path is accessible to everyone. Observing numerous newcomers competing alongside seniors and achieving commendable proficiency, they have solidified their belief in the universal potential for success. Ultimately, their advice centers on seeking input from diverse sources to gain a well-rounded understanding and various perspectives.