Participants of the 2023 SBM ITB International Virtual Course (IVC) visited Cihampelas Village in West Bandung on August 11, 2023, in the framework of a cross-cultural community visit and community empowerment. This visit not only introduced participants to the environmental problems the residents face – whom the Bening Saguling Foundation assists – but also emphasized the importance of community empowerment and sustainable practices in dealing with these challenges.
IVC is an activity organized by SBM ITB to provide a comprehensive understanding of the contemporary business landscape in Asia, focusing on Indonesia, to students from 10 countries. Amid the ongoing post-pandemic impact of COVID-19, this summer course activity has become an interesting platform for international students to gain insight into Indonesia’s business and management environment and participate in global discussions on sustainability issues.
Upon arriving at the location, participants from various countries, such as Morocco, Yemen, Cambodia, Mexico, Kyrgyzstan, Rwanda, Indonesia, and others, were warmly welcomed by the Bening Saguling Foundation. This foundation has been established since 2014 and is engaged in environmental issues, education, economic empowerment, and social welfare for the people around the Citarum River.
During the visit, participants were involved in river clean up and harvesting water hyacinths from the river to be processed into handicrafts later. This activity reflects a shared commitment to cleaning the river and using it to be processed into handicrafts. IVC participants also participated in preparations for the Citarum Festival—an annual event held by the Bening Saguling Foundation to raise awareness for the Citarum River—which will be held the following day.
Indra Darmawan, Founder and Chair of the Bening Saguling Foundation, responded favorably to the collaborative ethos fostered by the International Virtual Course involving foundations and residents. After returning from this activity, Indra aspires for participants to bring invaluable insights to their respective home countries, steadfastly upholding their dedication to environmental preservation.
Chengg, an undergraduate student from CamEd Business School Cambodia said she was happy with the activities at Cihampelas.
“This is the best day for me in the entire summer school program,” said Chengg. She was amazed by the local people’s friendliness and collaboration.
Another participant, Suhail, a master’s student from Putera Malaysia University, stated the importance of creativity and contribution to society after participating in this activity in Cihampelas Village.
“There is no reason not to be creative and contribute to society. Do what we can to contribute,” said Suhail.
Prameshwara, the program facilitator and lecturer, explained that the visit encouraged IVC participants to become agents of change and realize their potential to create positive impacts in society. Apart from being included in IVC, this activity is also a form of SBM ITB’s commitment to community service and global efforts to collaborate in solving societal problems.