SBM ITB hosted a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) on mobile health (M-health) in Bandung on Friday (8/9). Representatives from government agencies, leading healthcare providers, and academic figures, discussed various aspects of this revolutionary healthcare approach.

Mobile health is the adoption of technology to bridge the challenges of accessibility of health services to the community, especially in remote and underserved areas, such as Indonesia. Technology breaks down geographical barriers so that health monitoring can be done in real-time, and data analysis can produce timely health solutions.

M-health is beneficial in democratizing access to healthcare, cost savings for patients by avoiding conventional travel and consultation costs, and the potential for continuous health monitoring.

“People can get faster services, don’t need to pay mobility costs, and service costs are lower. “So it helps the government reduce the cost of health services,” said the Director of Health Service Quality, Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, Dr. Yanti Herman.

Government representatives outlined their strategic vision to support the m-health ecosystem. The emphasis is on establishing a robust regulatory framework to ensure the privacy of patient data while fostering innovation.

They also discussed potential financial incentives, including grants and tax breaks for new players in the M-health domain. Campaigns to enlighten the public regarding the benefits and safe practices associated with M-health applications are also a significant concern.

“M-health helps the government, especially for health promotion; online services can be carried out online,” said the West Java Provincial Health Service official, drg. Yus Ruseno.

The participants agreed that M-health is not just a technological axis. It is a transformative tool to redefine the healthcare paradigm.

Representatives from government agencies, leading healthcare providers, and academic figures, discussed various aspects of this revolutionary healthcare approach.

Written by Student Reporter (Defrina Dwifani, MSM 2022)