SBM ITB succeeded in winning an award at the 2023 Perhumas PR Excellence Award (PREA). The award was received by Melia Famiola, PhD, SBM Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) Coordinator, as well as the Lead of PRME (Responsible Management Program Education) at the Indonesian Public Relations Convention (Perhumas) entitled ‘Forward Together for Indonesia’ in Semarang on Saturday (2/9).
In the event held by the Indonesian Public Relations Association (Perhumas), the ITB Team won 2nd place in the Digital PR Category on the Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Theme for the Urban Circular Initiative Program. According to Melia Famiola, the Urban Circular Initiative Program has been implemented for the last three years.
“We have a big dream to create circular society models; amid social and environmental problems, we started from around campus, namely in Bandung,” said Melia. “For example, the waste problem in Bandung remains a problem; we are working with the community to do something for the environment and build the economy using waste.”
The Urban Circular Initiative has a mission to complete the roadmap for creating a circular economy in Indonesia. Global studies show that a circular economy will never be realized without a circular society. In the past year, SBM has also continued to develop various ESG programs: assisting the Company’s CSR programs, assisting the government through the West Java social service, the West Java CSR forum, and helping businesses that provide an impact and businesses with a purpose run by students and alumni.
The 2023 PREA competition was attended by public relations institutions from various circles, including government public relations, corporations, State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN), Regional-Owned Enterprises (BUMD), and university public relations in Indonesia. This achievement is attributed to the support and collaboration of numerous stakeholders, including our research partners from various faculties at ITB, dedicated lecturers and staff, our students, alumni from SBM ITB, industrial partners, as well as governmental and institutional contributions.