Oki Earlivan sees a fundamental problem in the music learning ecosystem in Indonesia. Starting from the difficulty of accessing reliable music teachers, the high cost of music lessons, and the difficulty playing favorite songs. Starting from this problem, Oki founded Lagoe.id, a digital platform to overcome these problems and provide a better music learning experience.
Oki shared his experience when presenting as a guest lecture on Startup Business Practice at the Nemangkawi Auditorium, Labtex XIX SBM ITB Building on Friday (6/10). The Chief Financial Officer of Oxford Strategy Review claims that Lagoe.id has succeeded in solving several music learning problems in Indonesia.
Lagoe.id uses artificial intelligence (AI) technology to recognize instruments in a song and provide chords for each instrument. This allows users to learn from basic songs to their favorite songs, helping to overcome the problem of high prices often encountered in traditional music lessons. In his lecture, Oki emphasized the importance of a strong product development ecosystem.
“A product must have a good ecosystem so that consumers will experience dependence when using it,” said Oki.
Lagoe.id conducted in-depth research to understand user needs, current music technology, and desired music technology. They’ve built a prototype gathering ideas and input from early users as a first step toward a more mature concept.
One of the Lagoe.id’s investors is a famous musician in Indonesia who will support the spread of this platform. Lagoe.id is committed to providing access as economically as possible by adding advertising and providing paid options for premium features.
Regarding music features such as key transpose, the ability to create your musical arrangements, and changing genres via AI, Oki explained the development of these features includes collaboration with others to create new arrangements.
Oki advises budding entrepreneurs to invite people closest to you as a first step in expanding users and gathering valuable input.