The Hajj Financial Management Agency (BPKH), in collaboration with the Center for Islamic Business and Finance (CIBF) SBM ITB, held a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) on Carbon Trading Investment Opportunities. The event, held on 19 October 2023, aims to discuss the increasing opportunities around carbon trading and its integration with financial products in tackling climate change.
Taking place at Amphitheater 2, Pertamina Building, MBA ITB in Gelap Nyawang, this discussion was attended by BPKH board member Dr. Acep R. Jayaprawira (Head of BPKH’s Finance and Risk Management Division) and Harry Alexander, S.H., M.H., L.L.M. (Member of the Placement, Direct Investment and Other Division of BPKH). The opening of this event was attended by the Dean of SBM ITB, Prof. Dr. Ir. Ignatius Pulung Nurprasetio, M.SME., who emphasized SBM ITB’s commitment to sustainability and ESG issues in line with collaborative efforts like this.
Attended by more than 60 undergraduate and postgraduate students from SBM ITB, Harry Alexander discussed green investment and forest carbon. Harry highlighted the great potential of green investment, especially for BPKH as the manager of Hajj funds in Indonesia, the country with the most significant number of pilgrims worldwide every year.
According to Harry, BPKH is currently developing a carbon trading scheme. He hopes that the insights gained from this focus group discussion will provide an academic perspective that can assist BPKH in formulating further carbon investment policies. Hadiati Munawaroh, Deputy for Planning and Assessment at BPKH, added that discussions like this are essential to strengthen collaboration between BPKH and academics, especially with SBM ITB.
The FGD was facilitated by the Center for Islamic Business and Finance (CIBF), SBM ITB, by presenting Dr. Subiakto Sukarno, MBA (Finance and Capital Markets Expert) and Oktofa Yudha Sudrajat, S.T., M.S.M., Ph.D (Islamic Finance and Risk Management Expert). Yudha Sudrajat, among others, emphasized the need for caution and careful consideration when entering this area because of various risks, including project, regulatory, and financial risks related to investment returns.