“Festive” is the most appropriate word to describe the atmosphere on the first day of the SBM ITB Graduation Celebration for October 2023. This event took place at the Intercontinental Hotel, Dago Pakar Bandung (28/10). It was attended by 490 graduates from Bachelor’s and Master’s programs in Business Administration, both in-house and executive programs.
A warm welcome from the Dean of SBM ITB, Prof. Dr Ir. Ignatius Pulung Nurprasetio, M.SME, who started the event. Pulung highlighted that this period saw the highest number of graduates compared to the previous graduation period. Pulung congratulated the graduates and their families on their achievements and encouraged them to contribute to nation-building.
With the theme “For the Greater Good to the Infinity,” this event features a variety of activities. Starting from the graduation ceremony, where each graduate is called on stage to receive their graduation, awarding awards to the best graduates, and ending with group photos and dinner.
This graduation involved 273 Bachelor of Management graduates. A total of 168 graduated cum laude. Besides, there were also 70 Bachelor of Entrepreneurship graduates, 54 of whom graduated cum laude, and 147 MBA program graduates, both in-house and executive, at the Bandung Campus, with 65 of them graduating cum laude.
Several graduates received the best graduate awards. In the Bachelor of Management study program, there was Academic Excellence of the Year for Adam Aliya Silmi, Motivator of the Year for Fauzan Khalil Ramadhan, Innovator of the Year for Ghanef Rayyan Hanisfy, and Conscience of the Group for Fauzan Khalil Ramadhan. Meanwhile, in the Bachelor of Entrepreneurship study program, the Young Entrepreneur Award was awarded to Nadia Agustina and the Business Innovator Award to Nadhira Valenia Widyatama Putri.
“This graduation celebration was a very moving and happy experience for me and my family,” said Ghanef, winner of Innovator of the Year.
Mrs. Ghanef, who was present at the graduation celebration, Cut Putri Alyanur, appreciated the celebration event. “I hope all graduates can be successful and contribute to our nation.”
As for the Bandung In-house and Executive MBA study program, the Best Executive Award was given to Kintan Permata De Rose, the Best Executive Award to Muhammad Alif Maulana, and the Best In-house Leader Award to Heri Purnomo, Riza Yophi Prayuda, Dhanang Resnamurti, Benaya Sutami Winowoda and I Made Agusyasa.
This graduation celebration also marks a new beginning for SBM ITB graduates. Satria Dwi Bagaskara (MK’23) hopes to apply the knowledge gained during his studies at SBM ITB to start his own business.
Adam Aliya Silmi, who received the Academic Excellence of the Year award with a GPA of 3.99, expressed his wishes to all the graduates, “May we be successful in our respective paths and work together in the future to produce greater works.”
This graduation celebration is exceptional because all the graduates have gone through a unique journey; they have successfully faced the challenges of online lectures due to the pandemic and post-pandemic offline classes during their studies. Congratulations to all graduates; I hope they can start a new chapter in their lives and always uphold the value of SBM ITB, namely “For the Greater Good,” in every journey in the future.