Contribution is not merely about personal achievements or awards but also the impact on society. This was the experience of the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) when crafting the institution’s strategic roadmap, only to be confronted with the serious challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. According to Rabin Indrajad Hattari, the Secretary of the Ministry of BUMN, the ministry opted to execute the planned strategies formulated in February 2020 to align with the vision and mission of becoming the world’s best institution. This was not only about personal recognition but also about preparing for uncertainties and contributing to alleviating societal panic.
Rabin was one of the speakers at a public lecture entitled “The Art of Leadership: Empowering People for Delivery Results,” held at the “Leadership Night 2023” event at the Four Seasons Hotel, Jakarta (23/11). This event is an annual initiative of the SBM ITB which has been running since 2013.
The event commenced with an opening address by the Dean of SBM ITB, Prof. Dr. Ir. Ignatius Pulung Nurprasetio, M.SME. In addition to Rabin, several distinguished speakers graced the public lecture: Director of Planning and Development of PT ASDP Indonesia Ferry, Harry Muhammad Adhi Caksono, MBA; Telkom Indonesia Digital Business Director, Muhamad Fajrin Rasyid, MBA; and Director of Marketing & Business Development PT Rekadaya Elektrika, Vernon Sapalatua, MBA. The event was moderated by the Co-Founder & CEO of Beecomms Indonesia, Rike Elviera Amru.
Reflecting on experiences during the pandemic under the leadership of BUMN Minister Erick Thohir, Rabin illustrated the characteristics of a leader. Leaders must make firm choices, especially in critical times when time is of the essence. Additionally, leaders must carefully calculate risks, empathize with others’ conditions, showcase competence, and possess effective communication skills.
Harry addressed sectoral egos within the Ministry of BUMN, emphasizing the need to build good relationships with various parties beyond striving for excellence within the company. He highlighted the importance of synergizing with other stakeholders for the national interest.
Fajrin, an ITB 2023 MBA alumnus, discussed the dynamics of employee generations faced by various companies. He noted that the younger generation tends to get easily bored, influenced by the virtual world presented on social media. As leaders, adapting to these characteristics involves limiting managerial goals, supporting a sense of ownership, and allowing creativity.
“The younger generation seems to be characterized by feeling pressured by the situation in cyberspace. “Therefore, we as leaders try to adapt to these characteristics, by limiting managerial goals and supporting a sense of ownership in the company,” said Fajrin. “We limit the typical managers who micromanage and give them freedom to be creative. “Even though we are given freedom, we will still provide time and opportunities for discussion so that it is hoped that they can develop optimally.”
Vernon Sapalatua delved into legal and bureaucratic issues often encountered by BUMNs. He stressed the importance of adhering to established procedures in stages as part of good corporate governance, maintaining alignment with the company’s initial objectives, and respecting the interests of fund owners.
“This process is also basically useful, because of this rule, we can stay on the right track and in accordance with the initial objectives of the company, where we must respect the interests of fund owners,” said the Director of Marketing & Business Development of PT Rekadaya Elektrika, who is also a 2019 ITB-AALTO MBA Alumni.
In addition to the public lectures, the agenda included the awards presentation. Notable awardees included Nila Armelia Windasari (Best Lecturer at MBA ITB Jakarta), Detania Sukarja (Best Practitioner Lecturer), Guruh Sapta Dirgantara, Helmi Filani, and Roosalina Vanina Viyazza (Dedicated 10 Years of Service), and Trisnawati Dewi A (Best Staff).
Several MBA ITB Jakarta students and alumni from various concentrations were also honored with awards. They are Lutrika Mufty Rachmad (Business Leadership Executive MBA); Dian Vita Alpha Suandi (Energy Management Executive MBA); Nugraini Rahmaniasari (Strategic Marketing Executive MBA); Solehudin Murpi (Sustainability Executive); Fadillah Hilmi (Digital Leadership Executive MBA); Haidar Hibatullah Wurjanto (Entrepreneurship MBA); Nielson Derrick (General Management MBA); Sachi Hongo (Entrepreneurial Marketing MBA); Nanang Rosidin (Doctor of Science in Management); and Raden Ngabehi Seno S (The Distinguish Alumni of SBM ITB Jakarta)
The event concluded with Rabin emphasizing the global positioning of students. He urged students to recognize that they compete at the national and global levels, emphasizing the need for adaptability and understanding in a rapidly evolving global landscape.
“20 years of experience abroad made me understand that we are global citizens. “Thus, apart from racing against technology, our competition in the future will be even more complex,” said this graduate of George Mason University and The University of Georgia.