SBM ITB showcased thirty-eight notable research outcomes at the 2023 ITB Research, Community Service, and Innovation Exhibition (PRIMA) in the ITB West Hall, ITB East Hall, and VLCC (Virtual LPPM Convention Center), Bandung, on Wednesday (20/12). Six expertise groups at SBM ITB presented dozens of research and community service projects.
PRIMA 2023 is an annual event organized by ITB to exhibit research and community service outcomes from the entire ITB academic community. The exhibition aims to disseminate ITB’s research and community service results to the broader community and foster collaboration between the ITB academic community and various stakeholders.
Among the innovations exhibited by SBM ITB is an application called, an application developed to connect MSMEs directly with consumers.
“Through, MSMEs can establish direct connections and exchange information, bridging the gap between producers and consumers,” said Fitri Aprilianty, S.Si., M.S.M, one of the researchers involved in developing the application.
In the Decision Making and Strategic Negotiation (DMSN) expertise group, notable research includes “Sadulur: Big Data Platform for MSMEs” by Santi Novani, S.Si, MT, Ph.D. ; “Acceptance of Urban Air Mobility in Jakarta Metropolitan Area” by Yos Sunitiyoso, S.T, M.Eng., Ph.D.; and “STEP K-12 – Empowering Young Generation with Systems Thinking for K-12” developed by Prof. Dr. Ir. Utomo Sarjono Putro, M.Eng.
In the Business Risk and Finance (BRF) Expertise Group, research and community service projects such as “Training on Digital Bookkeeping and Tour Package Packaging and Digital Promotional Media in the Pelabuhan Ratu Tourism Area, Sukabumi” by Prof. Dr. Ir. Sudarso Kaderi Wiryono, D.E.A. and “Assessing the Feasibility and Sustainability of Solar PV in Nias, Sumatra, Indonesia through Techno-Economic Analysis using RETScreen: A Step towards Energy Transition” by Dzikri Firmansyah Hakam, S.T., Pg.Dip., M.Sc., Ph.D were presented.
The Operation and Performance Management (OPM) Expertise Group featured research like “Formulation of Measurable Capture Fisheries Policy Governance Models” led by Prof. Ir. Togar Mangihut Simatupang, M.Tech., Ph.D, and community service on “Supply Chain Models in the Development of Small and Home Industries in the Bangka Belitung Islands Province” by Dr. Yuanita Handayati, M.S.M.
The People and Knowledge Management (PKM) Expertise Group showcased research like “Customer Perceptions on Halal-Sustainable Communication in Biotech Companies: A Comparative Research Analysis in Indonesia & Malaysia” by Dr. N. Nurlaela Arief, MBA. The Business Strategy and Marketing (BSM) Expertise Group presented research on “Prepare JUK Members for Value Co-Creation Between Cooperatives Through the Adoption of Digital Platforms” and ‘Connecting Supply-Demand of Producer and Consumer Communities through the Application,” chaired by Dr. Ir. Mustika Sufiati, M.Sc.
The Entrepreneurship and Technology Management (ETM) Expertise Group exhibited community service projects such as “Development of Digital Promotion and Sales for Bandung City MSMEs” developed by Rendra Chaerudin, S.E, MM. Additionally, the Entrepreneurship & Technology Management expertise group presented research on the “Ecosystem Model of Sharing Value for Citarum Harum: A CSR Approach with the concept of Collaborative Sharing Benefits to restore the function of the Citarum river” by Dr. Bambang Rudito, M.Sc.
A diverse audience, including domestic researchers, foreign partners from universities such as Osaka University and Chiba University, MSME actors, and research students from various faculties at ITB and other campuses, visited the SBM ITB booth. The research and community service results displayed by SBM ITB at PRIMA 2023 underscore SBM ITB’s commitment to producing research and community service outcomes beneficial for the nation’s progress.