Masters & Doctor of Science Management Alumni Association (IASM) at SBM ITB, held an alumni gathering titled “Spacepedition” at the Kresna Student Lounge, SBM ITB, on Saturday (13/1). This event also served as the platform for announcing the Chair of IASM ITB for the year 2024.
Starting with a morning jog in the ITB area, the MSM DSM alumni gathered while reminiscing about the good times during their studies. Subsequently, several SBM ITB professors presented “The Eclipse,” recounting the story behind the Management Science Program. Among them were Deddy Priatmodjo Koesrindartoto, Anggara Wisesa, and Togar Mangihut Simatupang. They shared insights into their challenges and struggles in developing SBM ITB into its current form. A pressing challenge in the current era is how the entire community can maintain the current accreditation of the study programs to ensure continuous improvement and excellence.
The event proceeded with “The Inauguration,” where the elected chairperson of IA-SM SBM ITB 2024 was announced. The 2024 IA-SM election marked the first election for IA-SM. Candidates for the chairmanship included Aghnia Nadhira Aliya Putri (MSM Alumni 2020), Clint Gunawijaya (MSM Alumni 2021), and Adrian Ariatin (DSM Alumni 2019). Adrian Ariatin secured the most votes, with 59 votes, and was elected as the Chair of IA-SM SBM ITB for 2024. The alumni gathering concluded with the “Spacedition Show,” a musical