The Swiss Innovation Challenge ASEAN (SIC ASEAN) 2024, which has been running for three months, has reached the semi-final stage. This program, a collaboration between the SBM ITB and the University of Applied Sciences North western (FHNW), Switzerland, is taking place at the Amphitheatre of the MBA SBM ITB campus in Bandung. The competition is open to students, individuals, and institutions. Out of 70 participating teams, 24 have been selected across various categories to compete for a place in the finals, which will be held in December.
The Dean of SBM ITB, Prof. Dr. Ir. Ignatius Pulung Nurprasetio, M.SME., inaugurated the semi-final. In his opening remarks, Prof. Pulung expressed his appreciation for the contributions of all involved, including FHNW and the judges. “We are grateful for the remarkable contributions from all parties. Your enthusiasm and creativity are truly inspiring. Your presence here, both online and offline, highlights the significance of this event and the incredible potential of these innovative ideas,” he said.
The Chair of SIC ASEAN 2024, Dr. Isti Raafaldini Mirzanti, supported by Dr. Leo Aldianto, MBA, as International Swiss Innovation Challenge ASEAN Project Officer, and Prawira Fajarindra Belgiawan, S.T., M.Eng., Ph.D., as National Project Leader, noted that this year’s SIC ASEAN offers something special.
“The Top 3 innovations from each ASEAN country will participate in the international pitching stage, which will also be held at SBM ITB. The winners will have the invaluable opportunity to visit Switzerland and experience its entrepreneurial ecosystem,” said Dr. Isti.
The semifinal judging panel comprises experts from diverse backgrounds, including academics, practitioners, and entrepreneurs. The panel includes Prof. Anton Adibroto, Nadya Saib, Dohar Bob Situmorang, Seno Soemadji, MBA, Executive Vice President of B2B Commercial, Dr. rer. Pol. Eko Agus Prasetio, Prawira Fajarindra Belgiawan, Ph.D., from SBM ITB, and Dr. Dpl Ing. Mulyadi Sinung Harjono from the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN).
Judging criteria focus on the benefits of the innovations, the balance of risks and opportunities in their implementation, and the resource requirements. The innovations presented by the 24 teams cover a range of categories, including renewable energy and sustainability, educational technology, professional services, waste management, artificial intelligence and IoT, health, creative industries, agriculture, beauty, and more. All teams aim to promote sustainability and address environmental and social issues in alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
One of the participating teams, LobSmart, has developed an IoT device to monitor and stabilize water quality in lobster farms by utilizing ketapang leaves and powdered eggshell waste.
“We are excited to receive feedback from business practitioners interested in our idea. We hope that through this semi-final stage, we can gain further insights from coaching sessions and upcoming stages and continue developing LobSmart,” said Gloria Galore Sinaga, co-founder of LobSmart.
The final of the Swiss Innovation Challenge ASEAN 2024 will be held on 5-6 December at SBM ITB, where the top three winners can visit Switzerland and experience its entrepreneurial ecosystem firsthand.