Tina T. Kemala Intan, Director of Human Resources at PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero), highlighted that women’s involvement in state-owned enterprises (BUMN) has enhanced economic and business performance. Several BUMNs have adopted an ambidextrous approach to foster a supportive work environment through leadership programs and policies, such as the Respect Workplace Policy (RWP) and Employee Well-Being Policy (EWP).
Tina shared her insights on women’s roles in leadership during the “Human Capital Management Talks,” themed “Sustainability & Managing Diversity in Organizations,” hosted by SBM ITB in Jakarta on Thursday, October 3. As the recipient of the “Indonesia Most Powerful Women 2023” award, she noted that women’s participation in BUMNs has grown significantly, rising from 6% to 21% in 2023.
“Women’s leadership isn’t just about opening doors; it’s about creating a supportive environment and upholding values of excellence,” Tina explained.

Dr. Jaka Purwanto, Advisor to PT Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia, described the concept of an ambidextrous organization as a strategic effort to balance often conflicting operational and innovation goals.
“Ambidextrous organizations strive to survive, remain relevant, outcompete rivals, and grow,” Jaka said.
Prof. Aurik Gustomo, Professor of People Development at SBM ITB, emphasized the need for a strategy that integrates productivity, agility, and creativity. He noted that this strategy should include mapping the business environment, designing organizational architecture, and strengthening corporate culture.
Around 50 HR leaders from prominent companies attended the “HCM Talks,” all of whom are partners of SBM ITB.
In his remarks, the Dean of SBM ITB, Prof. Ignatius Pulung Nurprasetio, stressed the importance of high-quality human resources in navigating today’s complexities. He noted that the vision of Indonesia Emas 2045 is not just about the potential size of the workforce.
“It’s also about ensuring prosperity for all,” said the Dean of SBM ITB.
Meanwhile, Donald Crestofel Lantu, Ph.D., Head of the People and Knowledge Management (PKM) Expertise Group at SBM ITB, emphasized the role of universities in bridging the gap between industry needs and societal changes. He highlighted the importance of keeping individuals equipped to face business challenges and sustainability concerns.