Wise and sustainable retirement planning is increasingly urgent for workers. According to the Director of PT Astra Agro Lestari, Tbk, Djap Tet Fa, preparing for retirement wisely is a form of life wisdom.
“Retirement is not just about enjoying the rewards of your labor; it’s also about being financially and mentally prepared for a new phase of life,” Djap Tet Fa stated during the Human Capital Management Talks organized by SBM ITB in Jakarta on Thursday, October 3, 2024.

The event attracted more than 50 HRD leaders from various well-known companies in Indonesia, all partners of SBM ITB. The discussion aimed to offer fresh insights into the importance of organizational transformation by leveraging the potential of human resources, particularly through women’s empowerment as leaders, and by promoting retirement strategies and education that are both sustainable and relevant to current trends.
Erman Arif Sumirat, an SBM ITB lecturer and investor, advocated for stock investment as an effective tool for retirement preparation. He highlighted the importance of starting investments early to combat inflation and preserve asset value over time.
“Our challenge is not only the rising cost of living but also inflation,” he explained.
Eko P. Pratomo, a financial planner and investment practitioner, added that ideally, retirement planning should begin in one’s 20s. He stressed the importance of early awareness in planning for retirement.
“If you only start thinking about retirement at the age of 35, it’s already too late,” Eko warned.