Education is not only about books and exams but also honing critical thinking skills, empathy, creativity, and problem-solving. Realizing the need for a more personal and engaging learning experience, SBM ITB officially launched the Student Empowerment Program (PPM), a collaborative initiative with the Student Affairs Division, Career Services, Alumni Relations, and Entrepreneurship Study Program of SBM ITB. This program is also supported by Dr. Henndy Ginting, S.Psi., M.Si., SBM Student Counseling specialist, and a member of the Indonesian Psychological Association for the West Java Region.
“We have built a rigorous assessment tool in this program. “Later, students will be evaluated before and after they participate, focusing on their personal growth and skill development,” said Sonny Rustiadi, SE., MBA., Ph.D., CBAP, Head of the SBM ITB Entrepreneurship Study Program, when opening the program in Bandung on Wednesday (16/10).
With combined expertise from various departments, PPM seeks to address challenges like low student engagement and the need for personalized learning. The program focuses on developing students not only as learners but also as individuals with essential skills.
The PPM program will span three years, aligning with students’ academic journeys in the international class. It comprises Character Development Training in the first year, a Pre-Departure Program in the second year, and an Orientation Program in the third year.
In the first year, the Character Development Training focuses on cultivating students’ Adaptability, Integrity, and Humility (AIR) skills, encouraging them to internalize these values for self-development and academic improvement.
Students prepare for a dual degree program or a student exchange abroad in the second year. This phase emphasizes cognitive and character skills, including creative problem-solving, empathy, communication, and motivation.
The third year introduces students to the cultural and academic challenges of studying abroad. Through the Orientation Program, students can better manage the transition period of the student exchange or dual degree program.
Dr. Isti Raafaldini Mirzanti, M.M., Coordinator of Student Affairs, Career, and Alumni Relations at SBM ITB, explained that students are required to complete at least eight thematic activities in their second year as part of the Student Enrichment Program (PPM). These activities align with the ITB Student Activity Credit Unit (SKKM) requirements. While participation in the program is mandatory, Dr. Isti highlighted its flexibility, allowing students to tailor it to their interests and goals.
“This is not a one-size-fits-all approach,” she said. “We want to ensure every student gets the best results in a way that suits each of them.”
By equipping students with essential skills in a rapidly evolving global environment, the Student Empowerment Program reflects SBM ITB’s commitment to preparing the next generation of business leaders who are academically competent, wise, and responsible.