SBM ITB, welcomed international exchange students from various countries during an event held at the Freeport Building, Ganesha Campus ITB, on February 14th. Students from England, Germany, India, France, Spain, Japan, Brunei Darussalam, China, and South Korea participated in the program.

Dr. Ira Fachira, Head of the SBM ITB Exchange Program, opened the event by introducing the history of ITB and providing an overview of the existing faculties. She also introduced the student buddies who will assist exchange students during their studies at ITB.

Dr. Ira explained that SBM ITB operates across four campuses: Bandung and Jatinangor for undergraduate programs and Jakarta and Bandung (Gelap Nyawang) for postgraduate programs. She emphasized the importance of adhering to local cultural norms in terms of dress code and behavior.

In addition, Dr. Ira shared safety tips for international students, noting that Indonesia’s security level is not as stringent as in some other countries, such as Japan. She advised students to refrain from going out late at night to minimize risks related to theft and street gangs. Dr. Ira also encouraged exchange students to engage with various communities, such as sports clubs, with the help of their student buddies.

Iwan Doli S., Coordinator of Digital Technology Development at SBM ITB, provided an overview of the academic system in use at SBM ITB. He explained how to access essential platforms, including SIX (for academic administration), EDUNEX (Learning Management System), ITB Wi-Fi, and applications like ITB email and Microsoft 365.

This semester’s student exchange program reflects SBM ITB’s commitment to fostering international collaboration and cultural exchange, allowing all students to gain meaningful and enriching insights.

Written by Student Reporter (Dio Hari Syahputra, Management 2026)