TIBCO Software Inc., a global leader in integration, API management, and analytics, today announced it will collaborate with the Institute of Technology Bandung (ITB) to expand data analytics capabilities and knowledge in Indonesia. As part of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), ITB and TIBCO will jointly engage students through workshops, internships, and other practice-based training to empower students with technological skills essential for their careers after graduation. 

The collaboration between TIBCO and ITB is designed to support students from the School of Business and Management (SBM). TIBCO software is made available for all ITB-SBM students and students who select the elective will receive hands-on experience with TIBCO software, expertise and support to apply various data analytic techniques to understand and predict customer behaviour, to give businesses a real competitive edge.

SBM students will also be equipped with relevant data skillsets through guest lectures, seminars, networking sessions with experts in the data analytics field and relevant trainings modules.

Indonesia’s economy is growing rapidly, with a multiplying portion of the population entering the affluent consumer class each year. This transitioning consumer class are increasingly sophisticated in their spending habits and choices, and coupled with the burgeoning internet usage, are more connected than ever. This implies a huge, untapped potential for businesses to engage consumers through digital platforms to differentiate products and provide personalized customer experiences.

“Digital businesses gain a competitive edge with today’s consumers when they are able to identify changes in customer behavior and make timely interventions or personalized offers at the right moment. To do so, businesses are using various data analytics and visualization tools to understand customers, and predict customer behavior. However, it’s often difficult to visualize or apply theoretical concepts of data analytics in a classroom setting”, said Erich Gerber, General Manager, Asia Pacific and Japan at TIBCO. “Our collaboration with ITB provides students the opportunity to apply these concepts in a practical manner. This will also strengthen their ability to explore new business models and deepen their understanding of the data analytics field as well as the business world.”

“Digital technology is playing a major role in Indonesia’s economic development but growth is hindered by a wide data and technology skills gap . Close collaboration between universities and the industry is essential in imparting expertise. Together with TIBCO, ITB will train and empower a pool of talented and skilled graduates in the data analytics space, and allow Indonesian businesses to change how customers experience a product or service”, said Prof. Sudarso Kaderi Wiryono, Dean of SBM ITB.

More about this event on online medias (written in Bahasa):
1. Feb 21 – TIBCO Berkolaborasi dengan SBM ITB di Bidang Data Analitik – Kompasiana
2. Feb 20 – Hasilkan ahli data di Indonesia, ITB jalin kerjasama dengan TIBCO – Merdeka
3. Feb 20 – TIBCO -SBM ITB Jajaki Kerja Sama di Bidang Analitik Data – Ayobandung
4. Feb 21 – TIBCO berkolaborasi dengan SBM ITB di Bidang Data Analitik – kumparan
5. Feb 21 – TIBCO-ITB Kolaborasi Lahirkan Ahli Data Analitik di Indonesia – Sindonews