Beyond assuring the quality of academic processes in an internationally respected standard, we want to foster SBM ITB to be an institution that engages, both internally and externally, to strive for excellence.
The role of QA and Accreditation is to monitor, evaluate, provide feedback to, and review all units in the constantly changing environment. The first step is the establishment of policies, procedures and regulations that become the foundation of continuous improvements for all units within the school. All units then will implement Plan-Do-Check-Action process in their activities and produce evidence that will be used for self-evaluation and design/improvement plans. Those activities are needed for accreditation as SBM ITB “seal” for showing to internal and external stakeholders the continuous commitment toward quality. Then this cycle is continued to maintain and improve the quality and sustainability of the school.
Quality Assurance
We conduct several surveys to the students to capture their study experience, which are:
- student satisfaction during the course (Student Satisfaction Survey), which is conducted once for each semester
- students exit survey, the survey distributed before the graduation, covering the facilities and students’ experience during writing the thesis
- special survey for capturing special events related to the quality of teaching and learning, which is conducted tentatively.
The report of student satisfaction survey is reported to the lecturers, the Deans, Head of the Study Program, and Head of Sub Expertise group. Then, each party will evaluate the survey results and make improvements for increasing the quality of teaching and learning.
The other method for capturing feedback and inputs from the students is Focus Group Discussion (FGD) which is held regularly every semester for students of every study program within SBM ITB. The results from FGD are then reported to the Head of Study Program, as a basis for improvements.
At national level, SBM ITB is accredited by the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT). All programs at SBM ITB receive “A” level of accreditation from BAN-PT.
At international level, SBM ITB is accredited by ABEST21 (The Alliance on Business Education and Scholarship for Tomorrow, a 21th century organization). It is currently in the process of achieving other prestigious international accreditations, AACSB.
SBM ITB is also audited internally and externally complying with ISO 9001:2015.
Joining the movement to achieve the UN Global Agenda of Sustainable Development Goals, SBM ITB became an advanced signatory of PRME (Principles for Responsible Management Education).SBM ITB is also a member of European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD), Association of Asia-Pacific Business Schools (AAPBS), Association of Faculty of Economic and Business Indonesia (AFEBI), Asosiasi Perancang Pengusaha Mode Indonesia (APPMI), and International Association of Business Engineering Professionals (IABEP).
Team Members
Director: Achmad Ghazali, Ph.D
Staff: Rulli Wibowo