The world has entered the era of digital economy. As much as in developed countries, emerging markets have challenges in adjusting to the digital economy. On the one hand, businesses in these countries or economies can find opportunities to grow. On the other hand, they face challenges arising from uncertainties of how businesses integrate digital innovation for sustainability. The challenges could arguably be even more uncertain for emerging markets. Businesses across fields – e.g. healthcare, transportation and banking – have massively increased their investments in order to adopt the digital integration. For example, businesses develop a wide range of projects to create new digital services for customers. Despite these significant investments, many businesses have a lack of strategic clarity or focus in utilizing them. With the growth of digital integration in business, it is still debatable whether it will support business sustainability.
Therefore, there is an urgent need for academics and scholars to participate in providing solutions and ideas for businesses, governments, and investors on how to best manage uncertainties in emerging countries. Hence, the School of Business and Management, Institut Teknologi Bandung (SBM ITB), in cooperation with partner universities, is organizing International Conference on Management in Emerging Markets (ICMEM) with a theme “Managing Business in Digital Disruption Era”.
This year, the conference will be held on 07-09 August 2019 at Padma Resort Legian, Bali, Indonesia.
More about ICMEM 2019, visit the website