For the first time, the School of Business and Management – Institut Teknologi Bandung (SBM ITB) organized the SBM-ITB Start of Startup (SBM-ITB SoS): Exhibition of Students’ Business Initiatives 2019. This time, SBM-ITB SoS was held in two locations: 29 April – 3 May 2019 at Bank Central Asia Kantor Cabang Utama Dago, and 3 – 4 May 2019 at Aula Timur, Institut Teknologi Bandung. The exhibitors were first year students of SBM-ITB currently studying MB1203 course: Leadership and Management Practice.

Substantially speaking, the theme of the exhibition focuses on the exhibition of Students’ Business Initiatives as part of MB1203 course: Leadership and Management Practice for Bachelor students.

Overall, there were around 160 business initiatives exhibited in the event. Nine of them were exhibited at Bank Central Asia Kantor Cabang Utama Dago, while the rest were exhibited at Aula Timur, Institut Teknologi Bandung. The exhibition was divided into four major categories: apps, food, fashion, and miscellaneous. The visitors were from SBM-ITB, ITB, and guests from outside of ITB.

Overall, the exhibition was well attended. The students learned how to initiate business from scratch. It is expected that the event will boost the students’ confidence so that they would be able to perform better, particularly in the forthcoming years.

This first SBM-ITB SOS 2019 is a vital milestone for the next year exhibition of students’ business initiatives. We do hope this event can be held every year to support the SBM’s mission of educating students to be innovative leaders with an entrepreneurial mindset.

Opening from the lecturers
Opening from the lecturers
The directors of Bachelor program open the gate
Final preparation
Final preparation
Final preparation
The crowd of participants at Aula Timur ITB
The crowd of participants at Aula Timur ITB
One of students' initiative booth
One of students' initiative booth
One of students' initiative booth