Written by Student Reporter - Elisabeth Sirumapea (Management 2020)

Talking about passion, of course everyone has it. However, the question that needs to answer is how to realize that passion. Akhmad Rizqatha Ramadhan as one of the SBM ITB students who manage to realize his passion. He became the initiator and project leader for the Pif.id event for ITB students. Pif as an extension of the Paragon innovation fellowship is a leadership development program for college students (1st – 3rd level) that focuses on the development and improvement of the surrounding community. PIF aims to create an educational ecosystem where leaders are facilitated and encouraged to solve their own community’s most pressing issues with collaboration in science, art, and technology.

“I am passionate in education from high school in New York and ya this is just once in a lifetime opportunity anyway,” he said at SBM ITB  Building, Jalan Ganesha Building, Lb. Siliwangi, Bandung when asked the reason why he wanted to be an initiator in this event.

Akhmad Rizqatha Ramadhan who is commonly called “Madha” is a Management student of ITB 2020. Then, there are also a number of SBM students who are on the committee for this event, Raisa (Management 2020), Keany (Entrepreneurship 2020), Debs (Entrepreneurship 2020) and one volunteer is Rafly (Entrepreneurship 2020).


The beginning of Pif.id was started when Madha’s met with Salman Subakar, CMO Paragon at the TEDxITB 2.0 event. At that time, Madha was a part of the committee as well. At the event, he talked with Salman Subakar about the TED event and finally widened from the history of Subakar at ITB to the story of him who used to go to high school in New York until his experience became a fellow at MCW Young Leaders Access in New York in 2018.

“I told him that I had a project about education, and he was interested in supporting this project. Finally, we talked further and after a month, the name of the project ‘Paragon Innovation Fellowship’ was created. “, Madha said when talking about the story of this event.

The Pif event itself consists of summer camp, and social projects. The summer camp was held on July 28 – August 4 2019. Whereas for now until February 2020 is an implementation period where 25 fellows (event participants) will carry out their social projects.

As a management student, Madha gain a lot of knowledge given by SBM in carrying out the PIF activities. “I gained a lot of knowledge, especially interpersonal communication. When we were at summer camp in 7 days ago with the same person. When everyone expects me to be able to lead by example everyday, it’s not easy. I learned how to still present the best of me everytime when I’m not sleeping, while also having fun along the way. I learned how to handle people with different personalities, “Madha said with a smile.

“When I was on the committee I used a lot of HCM and POB courses to manage and plan, because I needed the standards that we had to carry and deliver to fellows,” Madha said. He uses recruitment pyramids, uses competencies maps created using the theory of spencer & spencer, and also the theory of transformational leadership. “For brand awareness, our team learns from marketing science, especially neuromarketing and emotional appeal, “he added.

Based on Madha opinion, the SBM curriculum was designed so that students could become leaders who had hands-on experience. He advised the other SBM students how difficult and how lazy we really are, it is very important to follow the SBM curriculum wholeheartedly.

“But that does not mean we only put effort in the classroom, it is also important to practice the managerial knowledge that we get in activities outside the classroom activities,” he said

“At the end of the day, we are managers of ourselves, so set priorities. Someone once said if at this age, when we enter a room and we feel comfortable, it means we are in the wrong room. Seek discomfort. “Madha said with a smile.