Layers in economic theory need to be peeled off to encourage discussion regarding economic realities and capitalism developing in society. For this reason, the Social Studies Study Association or Perkumpulan Studi Ilmu Kemasyarakatan (PSIK) collaborated with the Management Student Families (KMM) and the Entrepreneurship Student Association (IMK Artha) at SBM ITB and the Economics and Capital Market Study Group or Kelompok Studi Ekonomi dan Pasar Modal (KSEP) ITB to hold a public discussion entitled “Utopian Capitalism: Can Everyone Be Rich?”.

This public event, an inclusive discussion initiative, involves students and non-students from various disciplines. Held at Sunken Court W-09, Bandung, on 30 July 2023, this event attracted students from various fields and student activity units.

Activities like this emphasize the importance of interdisciplinary dialogue, which encourages analytical skills and critical thinking among students. This initiative aims to create an inclusive platform where perspectives from various fields of study combine, resulting in meaningful conversations aligned with the current social issues.

“This topic was raised because the theory, like it or not, has been widely applied, including in Indonesia. Every theory keeps an unreached side. That side is what we want to explore in maximizing the application of the economy in society,” said PSIK 2023 President Reno Suwono when explaining the theme of the discussion on “Utopian Capitalism.”

Reno, a Mining Engineering student at ITB, believes that the primary goal of this activity is not to create a unified viewpoint but to foster an environment where diverse perspectives can flourish and individuals can get acquainted with one another.

These discussions are designed to trigger critical thinking, empowering participants to formulate conclusions formed through a mix of diverse views.

The theme “Utopian Capitalism” aligns with the SBM ITB curriculum, which reflects the critical contribution of SBM ITB students to enrich academic dialogue and community understanding. SBM ITB student participation combines theoretical insights and pragmatic perspectives of economics and business to enrich the discussion.

Written by Student Reporter (Ramel Akil Pratama, Management 2024)