The ASEAN MBA program, a collaborative initiative between the Institut Teknologi Bandung and Universiti Sains Malaysia, has garnered praise from numerous participants who acknowledged its significant benefits.

Yee Edd Mund, a business analyst from Singapore and a program participant, admitted on Friday (1/12) that the ASEAN MBA program positively impacted young business leaders in the ASEAN region. “[This program] changed our outlook on things,” he said.

The students in his class also felt a change in their perspective and began to consider things that had never crossed their minds before.

Increasing career paths is a motivation that ASEAN MBA students generally have. Kee Zheng Ding, an account executive from Malaysia, stated that this program aligned with his company’s mission to dominate the global market. He must gain educational experience and a direct understanding of ASEAN culture to add more value than his colleagues.

One of the unique features of the ASEAN MBA program is the focus on practical knowledge that can be applied to solve real-world business problems. Anna Minah Kiu, an entrepreneur from Malaysia, appreciates the case approach used by SBM ITB. She said the material taught directly related to her daily business challenges.

“We were enthusiastic about taking the exam because we could immediately practice the methods and solutions,” explained Anna.

Not only about personal interests, the ASEAN MBA also offers knowledge that can contribute to society. Nur Ashila Sabirah binti Jaffar, a production executive from Malaysia, dreams of opening a training center to improve the skills of workers and prospective workers in various industries in Malaysia. She hopes the knowledge he gained during her studies can be shared with the broader community.

During the offline study period in Indonesia, ASEAN MBA students were invited to visit the Teras Hijau Project, a social and environmental project initiated by SBM ITB. A trip around the 516 square meter site provides valuable insight into how a community development movement can transform a village into a green economic center. Chow Yong Jin, a relationship manager from Malaysia, was amazed to see the success of the Teras Hijau Project and wanted to see how this concept was duplicated elsewhere.

Even though ASEAN MBA students’ career backgrounds and motivations are diverse, all students agree that this program provides valuable lessons that change their lives. They are satisfied with how the ASEAN MBA has enriched their perspective and prepared them to become leaders in the dynamic ASEAN business world.

Written by Student Reporter (Muhammad Lauda, MBA YP 69)