January 24, 2024 – SBM ITB, held the highlight of its 20th anniversary event against the backdrop of the SBM ITB building. This event was attended by the entire SBM ITB academic community, alumni, and guests.
On this occasion, the Chairman of the SBM ITB 20th Anniversary Committee, Akbar Adhi Utama, Ph.D., stated that the various activities carried out during the 20th Anniversary were a testament to SBM ITB’s commitment to continuous innovation and contribution to the nation and state.
“At this 20th-anniversary event, we have conducted various community service activities such as vegetation training with PLN UP CIRATA, the inauguration of the Penta helix collaboration, a leading in-purpose talk show, and the ESG Award. Hopefully, SBM ITB will progress further and achieve many successes in the future,” said Akbar.
Prof. Dr. Ir. Ignatius Pulung Nurprasetio, M.SME, the Dean of SBM ITB, also expressed his hope that SBM ITB can continue to make sustainable contributions in the fields of business, technology, and sustainability.
“SBM ITB plays an important role in preparing superior human resources to face future challenges. We will continue to innovate and adapt to meet these needs,” said Pulung.
During the same occasion, ITB Vice Rector of Resources, Dr. Ir. Gusti Ayu Putri Saptawati S., M.Comm, also expressed her appreciation for the role of SBM ITB in producing competent graduates ready to face challenges in the world of work.
“We hope that SBM ITB can continue to improve the quality of its education and contribute to creating quality jobs,” said Gusti Ayu.
The 20th anniversary of SBM ITB was also celebrated by presenting awards to students and lecturers who had served for 20 years. This award is given as a token of appreciation for their dedication and contribution to advancing SBM ITB.
This celebration also served as an occasion to hand over the AD/ART to the Chair of the 2024-2027 SBM Alumni Association and to inaugurate the IA management for the 2024-2027 period by SBM Dean Prof. Dr. Ir. Ignatius Pulung Nurprasetio, M.SME.
“This anniversary is a momentum to aim higher and further contribute to the nation and state; hopefully, SBM ITB can continue to make sustainable contributions in the fields of business, technology, and sustainability,” said Radeya Pranata, the Chair of the Alumni Association for 2019-2023.
“Hopefully, the SBM ITB alumni association can continue to contribute positively to the alma mater,” said Novrizal Pratama, Chair of the SBM Alumni Association for the 2024-2027 period.
Additionally, awards were presented to SBM ITB alumni who have consistently made significant contributions for more than 15 years. This award was given to Aisyah Maryam Namirah and Ardhi Pradhana.
Aisyah Maryam Namirah serves as the CFO and CHR of Rumah Dawun Mushroom. Aisyah has contributed to developing a sustainable mushroom and organic foods business. Ardhi Pradhana holds the position of Satu Dental’s Group Chief Financial Officer and is also the Group CFO for several large companies in Jakarta.