Amidst piles of rubbish, 30 residents of Sayang Village, Jatinangor, Sumedang, prepared to pick up and sort waste into organic, inorganic, and hazardous (B3) categories on Saturday (22/6).

The waste sorting competition is part of a series of community service activities initiated by the SBM ITB in collaboration with Crapco Indonesia. This competition aims to demonstrate the concept of sorting waste that can be exchanged for daily necessities, a concept promoted by Crapco Indonesia.

Due to the area’s significant accumulation of unmanaged waste, this program was implemented in the Jatinangor District, Sumedang Regency. “If it is not burned, the waste is either left unattended or sent to the Cibereum landfill, which is already near capacity,” explained Dr. Sri Hartati, Msi., head of community service and a lecturer at SBM ITB.

Euis Daliawati, a Posyandu cadre from RW 13 Sayang Village, noted that the amount of waste in her area has been increasing along with population growth.

“Now, there are many boarding houses and food stalls too. Sometimes we’re confused about where to dispose of the rubbish,” Euis complained.

The community service began with waste sorting training for PKK (Family Welfare Empowerment) Cadres and Posyandu Cadres in Sayang Village. This training was held at the Sayang Village Office and attended by the Head of Jatinangor Subdistrict, the Head of the Sumedang Regency Environment and Forestry Service, Crapco Indonesia Trustees, and a team of SBM ITB lecturers. Participants received materials on the role of communities in waste management and economics, as well as an introduction to Crapco Indonesia’s innovations.

Each type of waste can be converted into a functional product. Organic waste can be processed into maggot feed, while inorganic waste can be recycled into finished products such as crafts or bricks.

“Crapco Indonesia also offers economic value by providing the opportunity to purchase daily goods at lower prices through the Crapco application for residents who sort their waste,” explained Muhammad Hafizh, Founder of Crapco Indonesia.

From June to October 2024, the SBM ITB lecturer team will continue to assist and evaluate the PKK Cadres and Posyandu Cadres in Sayang Village in managing household waste. The program aims to establish a community capable of independently managing household waste.

Written by Student Reporter (Muhammad Lauda, MBA YP 69)