SBM ITB officially welcomed 413 new students into its Master of Business Administration (MBA) program for the second semester of the 2024/2025 academic year. The New Student Admissions event was held at ITB’s West Hall on February 7, with 146 students enrolled at the Bandung campus and 267 at the Jakarta campus.

The event was opened by the Dean of SBM ITB, Prof. Dr. Ir. Ignatius Pulung Nurprasetio, M.SME., who emphasized the importance of active participation in classroom discussions.

“Your engagement is essential for professional growth, building networks, and making a meaningful impact in the business world. We are eager to see the incredible achievements you will accomplish here,” said Prof. Ignatius.

Additional remarks were delivered by Dr. Sonny Rustiadi, Head of the SBM ITB Entrepreneurship Undergraduate Program, representing Dr. Ir. Subiakto, MBA, Vice Dean for Academic Affairs. He highlighted the ITB MBA program as an accelerator for professionals aspiring to top management roles.

“The ITB MBA offers two main tracks—corporate professionals and entrepreneurship—both of which open doors to broader career opportunities,” said Dr. Sonny.

More than just an academic program, the ITB MBA is designed to enhance students’ competencies and global perspectives. It holds prestigious AACSB accreditation, placing SBM ITB among the top 6% of business schools worldwide. Students benefit from an international network and interactive learning methods, including case studies and discussions that prepare them for the evolving global business landscape.

SBM ITB continues to expand as a premier business school in Indonesia, now serving 3,310 students, with plans to open a new campus in Cirebon in 2025. Students also have opportunities for global exchange programs, industry guest lectures, and field trips to gain firsthand insights into business practices.

Several new students shared their motivations for joining the ITB MBA program during the event. Demetrio Jesu, a student in the Young Professional MBA program at the Bandung campus, chose SBM ITB to complement his mechanical engineering background with management expertise.

“The lecturers at SBM ITB have outstanding credibility. I believe this is the right place to achieve my career goals. I hope the ITB MBA will help me reach a managerial position,” said Demetrio.

Meanwhile, Tanti Kurnia Sutanto, a Business Leadership Executive MBA program student at the Jakarta campus, aims to accelerate her career.

“Beyond acquiring business knowledge, I hope to build a strong professional network during my studies here,” said Tanti.

With a mission to develop future leaders ready to tackle global challenges, SBM ITB continues strengthening its position as Indonesia’s leading business school.

Written by Student Reporter (Lavena Laduri, MBA YP 2024)