
How we began our journey in developing the best business school in Indonesia.

Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) was established.


The Industrial Engineering Department of ITB set the framework for the business and management program.

The Industrial Engineering Department of ITB set the framework for the business and management program.


Prof. Dr. H. Matthias Aroef, MSIE, IPM, known as the Father of Indonesian Industrial Engineering, founded the Master of Business Administration (MBA) program focusing on management of technology.

The Governing Council approved the formation of an undergraduate program in Business and Management

A team was assigned to develop a vision and mission statement and to design learning methods best suited to the program. The team developed a curriculum which was considered a breakthrough in business and management education in Indonesia. It proposed the use of performance art to develop students’ self-confidence as well as skills in leadership, communication, and conflict resolution. In line with a social constructionist paradigm, the curriculum emphasized the importance of team-based learning as opposed to one-way lecturing.


On December 31, the Rector, Prof. Kusmayanto Kadiman, formally established School of Business and Management (SBM) ITB to administer both the MBA and the undergraduate program.

The nomenclature “School” was chosen instead of “Faculty” to signify its autonomy. In the process, the MBA program which was initially run by the Faculty of Industrial Engineering, became part of the School of Business and Management, allowing it to have two programs; the undergraduate program and the MBA program. Since then, SBM ITB has been a pioneer of campus autonomy in ITB. SBM ITB has full authority to make decision sat the strategic.

Furthermore, the Rector appointed 10 SBM ITB faculty members as founding figures responsible for implementing the vision, mission, and strategy, supported by distinctive curriculum design and teaching methods.

The faculty members consist of:

  1. Dr.Ir. Kuntoro Mangkusubroto, MSIE, MSCE
  2. Ir. Budi Permadi Iskandar, MSP
  3. Prof.Ir. Surna Tjahja Djajadiningrat, MSc., Ph.D
  4. Prof.Dr.Ir. Jann Hidajat Tjakraatmadja, MSIE
  5. Ir. Drs. Arson Aliludin, SE, DEA
  6. Dr.Ir. Sudarso Kaderi Wiryono, DEA
  7. Ir. Nurhajati Ma'mun, MSc.
  8. Dr.Ir. Dermawan Wibisono, M.Eng
  9. Dr.Ir. Utomo Sarjono Putro, M.Eng
  10. Ir. Aurik Gustomo, MT

Undergraduate Program in Management was established and admitted 115 students. Some of the conducted innovative courses were Integrative Business Experience, Management Practice, and Community Service.


Master in Management Science (MSM) Program was established.

Research is the cornerstone of this program. Other than Quantitative Research Methods, the program also introduces Qualitative Methods in the first year of education as a basic alternative of research. SBM ITB offers scholarships for the MSM program.

Jakarta Campus was established

Jakarta Campus was established with the MBA program as the pioneer program.


Doctor of Management Science (DSM), initiated by Prof. Surna Tjahja Djajadiningrat as the Dean of SBM in 2008, was established in August 2008.

The team developing the proposal consisted of Prof. Togar Simatupang, Dr. Gatot Yudoko, and Dr. Deddy Koesrindartoto. The doctoral program covers a wide range of management discipline in order to develop and contribute to the body of knowledge of business and management. The research paradigm is not limited to positivism, but also interpretivism, and criticism.

Undergraduate Program in Entrepreneurship was established.


The MBA program obtained accreditation from ABEST21.

Bachelor of Management program - International Business concentration was established


All SBM ITB academic programs are ABEST21 accredited.

All SBM ITB academic programs are AACSB accredited.


Bachelor of Entrepreneurship program - International Entrepreneurship concentration was established