In general, applicants to MBA program must have the following:

  1. University’s accreditation of applicant is preferred minimum B to be accepted into the intended program.
  2. Academic levels that can register/participate in the selection are Diploma IV (Applied Bachelor) or Bachelor level graduates or passed a minimum of 144 credits (Indonesian credit system)/equalized


An eligible applicant for admission to MBA ITB you MUST provide a minimum TPA Bappenas score, or UPDA ITB (also required for foreign candidates with GPA less than 3.25 out of 4.00), and ELPT ITB (not required for foreign candidates from English language country, or undergraduate degree conducted in English).

Please prepare a compilation of relevant materials to showcase your qualifications. All materials must be submitted to ITB Online Registration page by the application deadline. The relevant documents may include (but not limited to) the followings:

You are required to upload the original transcripts from all undergraduate academic institutions of your previous study, starting from the first semester to the last semester. If you have Diploma III degree and Bachelor (extension) degree, all undergraduate transcripts must be uploaded in one attachment.

There is no minimum GPA to apply. For international students, you must have at least 3.25 out of 4 to apply. Undergraduate academics are just one factor uses to evaluate an applicant.

You are required to upload the original bachelor’s degree certificate from all undergraduate academic institutions of your previous study. If you have Diploma III degree and Bachelor (extension) degree, all undergraduate certificate must be uploaded in one attachment.

Applicant must have Diploma IV (Applied Bachelor) or Bachelor degree from an accredited college/university minimum B in Indonesia or reputable overseas university

We only accept the certificate of ELPT from UPT Bahasa ITB with a minimum score 90 for all programs. For Double Degree program, English requirement might be different. Please contact our admission for details.

There are two options available for taking the ELPT test:
1. Online test. Register directly through PSDM ITB website at
2. Offline test. Register directly through PSDM ITB website at which will be held at Gd. CADL Ganesha building Bandung Campus

Please note: Having TPA Bappenas/UPDA ITB and ELPT ITB scores before applying is a MUST. 

ITB organizes the Basic Academic Potential Test/Ujian Potensi Dasar Akademik (UPDA) ITB which can be used to replace the TPA requirements for the ITB Postgraduate Program. Register for the UPDA ITB here.

Applicants who already have a valid Tes Potensi Akademik (TPA) and meet the requirements with a minimum score of 475, can contact UUO Bappenas to send the TPA result to

Please note: Having TPA Bappenas/UPDA ITB and ELPT ITB scores before applying is a MUST

Applicants must fill out Statement of Purpose form which can be found in the Online Registration page.

Please provide the email addresses of at least 2 (two) from colleagues or lecturers who have worked with you in a professional capacity and can provide clear recommendations. If you have work experience, you may use a recommendation from your superior or a professional partner, but not a subordinate.

Transfer the registration fee and generate the Virtual Account number after you finish filling the data on the online registration. Registration fee is IDR 750,000. For international applicants, the registration fee is IDR 1,000,000

*Please note that the registration fee can not be refundable for any reasons.

You must be able to show proof of ownership of health insurance which is valid for a minimum of 2 semesters (renewable). 

BPJS/KIS is acceptable. BPJS users only need to upload an active BPJS card accompanied by a screenshot of the online JKN application or proof of the latest transaction.

Business Proposal for Entrepreneurship MBA applicants can be downloaded

After you fulfil all the requirement, you may be invited to present your business proposal in a designated interview.

Online Registration for September 2025 intake

  • Batch 2: 19 February – 12 March 2025
  • Batch 3: 19 March – 15 April 2025
  • Batch 4: 22 April – 20 May 2025
  • Batch 5: 03 – 24 June 2025
  • Batch 6: 01 – 17 July 2025

Interview activities

The selected candidates will be invited to interview with Focus Group Discussion (FGD) format. Admission office will send an email to describe the process. Follow the schedule below:

Application Dates

*ITB organizes the Basic Academic Potential Test/Ujian Potensi Dasar Akademik (UPDA) ITB which can be used to replace the TPA requirements for the ITB Postgraduate Program. Register for the UPDA ITB here

*ITB only accept the certificate of ELPT from UPT Bahasa ITB. There are two options available for ELPT test: online and offline

*Quota Applied

Post-Interview activities

We will announce your interview result together with Letter of Acceptance (LoA) issued by ITB Admission Committee. For those of you who got accepted, please follow the next step of the admission process by referring to Admission ITB Website.

Admission Office Contact

Bandung campus

SBM ITB Building
Jl. Ganesha no. 10, Bandung

WhatsApp: 087822822184 (Text Only)

Jakarta campus

TK Low Center for Executive Education
Graha Irama (Indorama), 12th floor
Jl. HR. Rasuna Said Kav. 1-2

Phone: (021) 529 6868
Mobile Phone: 0811 1432 243 (Call only)
WhatsApp: 0812 2002 242 (Text & voice call only)

Follow SBM ITB on social media or, simply drop your contact to get latest updates from our admission office.

Last update: 10/02/2025