How to Apply

If you are passionate to enhance your knowledge in management or business and meet new people to create networking, our program is for you.

Compare programs before you decide which program is the most suitable for you, or broaden your knowledge about our program by attending an info session event.


Bachelor of

Bachelor of


Master of Business

Master of Science
in Management


Doctor of Science
in Management

Scholarship Opportunities

Kartu Indonesia Pintar Kuliah is one of the efforts to help students who have economic limitations but have good achievements to continue their studies in higher education, especially Bachelor program. Available for Indonesian nationals. Explore More >

There are two scholarship programs from LPDP, for Master program as well as Doctoral program. So there is no scholarship program for undergraduate or undergraduate level. Available for Indonesian nationals. Explore More >

The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology “Beasiswa Pendidikan Indonesia” or Education Indonesia Scholarship Program (BPI Kemendikbudristek) is a scholarship program for the Government of Indonesia managed by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology through funding from the Lembaga Pendidikan Education Fund Management Institution. Explore More >

The scholarship is offered to potential students from developing countries to earn their Master program at one of 16 prominent universities in Indonesia, including SBM ITB. Available for foreign nationals. Explore More >
The School of Business and Management, Institut Teknologi Bandung (SBM ITB) is looking for doctoral students/candidates who have qualified research skills, knowledge, and experience in the following topics. All interested candidates are encouraged to discuss the availability of doctoral positions with the contact persons of each research project. Explore More >

Funding opportunities to support learning process are available for current Indonesian nationals students of Institut Teknologi Bandung, either in university or school level. Please explore each program study page or find the opportunities in Lembaga Kemahasiswaan ITB.

Contact Us

Bandung Campus Admission Office

Jalan Ganesha No.10, Lebak Siliwangi, Coblong, Bandung, Jawa Barat 40132, Indonesia
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Phone: +62222531923
WhatsApp: +6287822822184 (Text Only)

Jakarta Campus Admission Office

Graha Irama (Indorama), 12th floor
Jl. HR. Rasuna Said Kav. 1-2
Jakarta 12950
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Phone: +62215296868
WhatsApp: +628122002242 (Text Only)