Calling all future leaders to join our postgraduate programs!

Our programs inspire students to become innovative leaders with the entrepreneurial mindsets and essential skills needed to conquer the business world. We will help you thrive in future challenges through an ecosystem-based learning experience.

Don’t miss the opportunity.

Choose one or more program interest, so we can send admission process materials. And we also held events Online Info Session that gives more comprehensive information about the programs. To get both information, fill the form below.

    You can choose one or more program interests

How to enroll

Entrepreneurship MBA

Designed for you to be entrepreneurs, innovation and creativity matter! Prepare yourself as you are about to launch your venture and learn how to get it sustained and growing. Program available in Bandung (August intake) and Jakarta (August and January intake) campuses.

Bandung campus: Monday – Friday (Every week) | 8 AM to 5 PM

Jakarta campus: Monday – Thursday (Every week) | In between 8 AM and 5 PM

Young Professional MBA

This program is rich with practical contents such as internship and business clinics. In addition, students will get opportunities to develop their professional networks and sharpen their leadership and decision making skills.
Program available only in Bandung campus.

Bandung campus: Monday – Friday (Every week) | 8 AM to 5 PM

Executive MBA

This program is designed for experienced candidates, who are pursuing middle-and top-management positions. The program applies case-based learning as a platform for developing your leadership skills, knowledge, capabilities and outlook to embrace and execute a much bigger responsibility. To enroll, you must need at least 1 year of working experience.
Class delivery in hybrid method. Program available only in Bandung campus

Working experience between 1-3 years: Monday – Thursday (Every week) | 6.30 PM to 9 PM, or

Working experience at least 3 years: Saturday – Sunday | 8 AM – 5 PM (Every two weeks (modular))


The MBA- International allows students to earn an MBA degree from SBM ITB as well as an MBA or a business-related master’s degree from our universities partner.

To be inform
*To enroll in this program, you must be registered as regular MBA student, or join as MBA-International students initially in ITB.

General Management MBA

General Management aims to provide aspiring leaders with an understanding of business activities’ context and strong general management required to grow the company where you will engage in. With an innovative curriculum combining managerial knowledge with immersion to real-world business, your MBA experience would propel your Future career in various managerial and executive positions.
Program available only in Jakarta campus.

Jakarta campus: Monday – Thursday (Every week) | In between 8 AM and 5 PM.

Business Leadership Executive MBA

Business Leadership Executive MBA (BLEMBA) program is to sharpen your decision making skill for career enhancement while broadening your network at the same time. To enroll, you must need at least 3 years of working experience.
Program available only in Jakarta campus.

Jakarta campus: Friday, Saturday and Sunday (Every two weeks with no more 14 Fridays per year) | 8 AM to 5 PM

Strategic Marketing Executive MBA

In cooperation with Markplus Institute, SMEMBA gives you the understanding of how marketing strategy should be formulated in the landscape of new Indonesia and the new ASEAN as well.
Program available only in Jakarta campus

Jakarta campus: Saturday and Sunday (Every two weeks) | 8 AM to 6.30 PM

Energy Management Executive MBA

This program aims to understand the management of energy business as it matters. It also designed to widen perspective by experience-exchange between stakeholders from private sector, civil society, national-local, government and academia.

Program available only in Jakarta campus.

Jakarta campus: Saturday and Sunday (Every two weeks) | 8 AM to 6.30 PM

Sustainability Executive MBA

In cooperation with Landscape Indonesia, this MBA program is designed for those who have interests with the issue of sustainability. Business and management need to follow the principles of sustainability and align with environmental matters.
Program available only in Jakarta campus

Jakarta campus: Saturday and Sunday (Every two weeks) | 8 AM to 6.30 PM

MSM in General

Designed for those who have strong research and analytical skills, Master of Management Science (MSM) in General Management is a program aimed to develop professional scholars who are highly demanded by the world’s leading companies that operate in a complex, innovation-intensive, data-driven environment, also by educational institutions that look for experienced researchers and lecturers.

Program available only in Bandung campus

Bandung campus: Monday – Friday (Every week) | 8 AM to 5 PM

Double Degree MSM

The Double Degree (DD) program is a master’s degree collaboration program between MSM SBM ITB and campus partners that allows students to get two academic degrees awarded by both institutions in the two-year study period.

Program available only in Bandung campus.

Bandung campus: Monday – Friday (Every week) | 8 AM to 5 PM

DSM for Academicians

Designed for those who have completed Master of Science in Management from SBM ITB or master with research components from other universities, DSM for Academicians is the right track for you whose orientation is in theoretical contribution and desire a career path to be a future researcher or lecturer.

Program available only in Bandung campus.


DSM for Professional

Designed for those who have extensive managerial experience at middle to senior level management, DSM for Professionals is a program for those who want to be part of a new generation of scholarly practitioners with strong characteristics in problem-solving, as well as to have a creative and innovative mindset to conduct independent research on the latest management issues.

Program available only in Jakarta campus.

Delivered in mix-modular method (weekend every other week)
Saturday (5 sessions) & Sunday  (5 sessions)
In between 08.00—17.00


The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) Accreditation

International accreditation with the highest standards for business education