For a long time, emotions have often been ignored on the grounds of rationality and efficiency. It is easy to display financial ratios as an investment decision-making tool compared to emotional habits, feelings of frustration and conflict.

However, the ‘brain science’ research findings unfold that humans are primarily emotional decision-makers. Consequently, the achievement of competitive advantage depends greatly on the rational and emotional support of the target market. To that end, companies must be able to identify, quantify and create strong emotional engagement with consumers as well as employees. They are keys to long-term success. Managing emotions is a strategic game that companies need to master.

Neuro Business Laboratory of SBM ITB started its work in neuromarketing research and will further develop to research on Neuroscience for Workplace and Leadership. The application of neuroscience in business will increasingly become the primary choice. It is used in the analysis of market potential, innovation, product development and marketing plans, advertising, customer service, managing customer and employee experience, loyalty programs, coaching, training, leadership, and more.


Consumers in the global economy are faced with millions to countless marketing messages that persuade them to reach into their pockets to buy products or services. Billions of money is poured out by a brand to succeed in the market, both for products, packaging, communication messages, brands, customer experience, and retail environments.

Neuromarketing is a mixture of marketing and neuroscience; the key to opening the subconscious mind, the feelings, the desires that drive the purchase decision. FGD and Marketing Research will soon not be suitable for predicting what consumers think because basically our decision-making is based on irrationality, flooded with cultural influences in which we are raised and other subconscious factors. Truly, 85 percent of brain work is autopilot.

Neuromarketing will be the future of marketing and consumer engagement will thrive through the application of neuroscience. As practitioners and academics, we increasingly understand that there is a difference between what consumers do and say. However, we need a deeper understanding of what consumers think and feel about their relationships with products and services, their association with our brands and so our advertising.
By using our brain-imaging technology, equipped with the technology to do the product pull test day, advertising, etc., neuromarketing opens a curtain to know what attracts consumers, what emotions involve, what they think and how they remember.

Neuroscience of Workplace
Research related to the better workplace is needed to make employees

  • work with pleasure and able to optimize their personal ability for the success of the company
  • avoid stress
  • think more broadly
  • better in solving problems, and
  • think more creatively

Neuroscience of Leadership
The brain has the ability to change and adapt to various problems encountered in the environment. Research in the field of brain science has shown that the brain continues to create new synapses as well as new memories, in line with the increased experience and updated information. Cognitive exercise produces physical changes in the brain.

It is useful for business leaders to explore deeper neuroscience. Neuroscience teaches us how people learn and how behaviours can be changed. As human brain mapping continues, we can expect to learn more about how to function and how leaders can use this knowledge to lead employees and develop their organizations more effectively. Research on Neuroscience of Leadership does not provide all the answers but offers insight into how effective learning and development programs can be tailored to develop effective organizations.


Medical Instrumentation Laboratory
(Physical Engineering Department – ITB)


Head of Laboratory:
Dr. Mustika Sufiati Purwanegara, M.Sc (

Dr. Achmad Fajar Hendarman (
Fitri Aprilianty, MSM (

Contact Us

SBM ITB Neurobusiness Lab
Labtek XIV, 4th floor
Jl. Ganesha No.10, Bandung, 40132, Indonesia
Phone: (+622) 2531923
