Islamic banking is increasingly becoming a hot topic of conversation in all circles, especially in academics. Ruspita Rani Pertiwi, an ITB doctoral student, in her dissertation session on Friday (12/8/2022), emphasized that the identity of Islamic banking in Indonesia must be strengthened through a review of maqashid sharia so that it can fulfill its mission to become an Islamic sharia-based bank.

Ruspita presented a dissertation entitled “Developing An Organizational Performance Model For Indonesian Islamic Banking.” This research was conducted to find out the impact of the Islamic banking system in Indonesia on the overall organizational performance. Internal variables are the focus of the research process, while external competition is also important from the perspective of stakeholders in viewing the position of Islamic Banking in Indonesia.

According to Ruspita, organizational performance is needed to achieve three things; namely, the company’s ability to grow and process, create and change strategies, as well as realize the vision and mission. In order to optimize organizational performance, a model needs to be created so that in the future, there is a reference that can be used continuously.

This dissertation also involves many elements as its basis, both in terms of theory and in terms of Islamic law. Theories from experts such as Creswell, namely the research design framework and Dubin with a conceptual phase, are also used as an approach to achieve maximum research validity. Even so, sharia performance, in the end, should still be the main measure compared to the financial and market performance of the results found.

Through this session, Ruspita gave several suggestions to improve the performance of Islamic Banking in Indonesia.

“There are many reforms that need to be done in Islamic Banking. One of the most important is technological renewal. In addition, it would be better if the government was also involved because it is done for the welfare of the people,” she explained, conveying suggestions.

Written by Student Reporter (Rheza Mahesa Raharjo, Management 2023)