Faculty Members

Meet outstanding researchers, cultural studies experts, government advisors, entrepreneurs, and commissioners of notable companies who happen to be the SBM ITB’s faculty members. Strongly rooted in experiential-learning and research-driven thinking, you will find each of them helpful in giving you fresh perspectives and insights from what is happening in the industry.

Interest Groups

Faculty members in SBM ITB are divided into six interest groups. However, depending on their expertise, they may also be involved in teaching a class or contributing in research other than their own interest groups.

Research Center

Consistent with SBM ITB mission, our faculty members actively disseminate their knowledge through various intellectual contributions with the aim of contributing to the betterment of business, government, and society. Focus more on several areas, we established research centers that you can reach for collaborations in executing your next or ongoing research.

Consistent with SBM ITB mission, our faculty members actively disseminate their knowledge through various intellectual contributions with the aim of contributing to the betterment of business, government, and society. Focus more on several areas, we established research centers that you can reach for collaborations in executing your next or ongoing research.


SBM ITB is committed to providing quality educational programs that provide our students with the knowledge, entrepreneurial mindset, and innovation skills necessary for creating value to society. Therefore, the school supports and encourages research with an emphasis on quality, peer-reviewed, basic or application-oriented publication.