
Achmad Fajar Hendarman obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Industrial Engineering from Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) in 2005. In 2006, Fajar received a scholarship to continue his studies and did a Master of Science in Management in School of Business and Management (SBM) ITB, from which he graduated with a GPA of 4,00 out of 4,00 (with the predicate of Cum Laude) in 2008. Subsequently, he got an award from the DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst – German Academic Exchange Service) in 2013 to continue his studies at a doctoral level and took a doctoral programme (PhD) in Human Behaviour in Social and Economic Changes, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany. On 3rd of May, 2017 he completed his PhD (with the predicate of Cum Laude).

After obtaining his Bachelor’s degree, he worked as a consultant in the field of management and industrial engineering (particularly related to Business Process Analysis, Strategic Management, Change Management, Performance & Quality Management (Balanced Scorecard and Six Sigma), Logistics Systems, Manufacturing Systems, Simulation & Modelling, Business Feasibility Study, People Management, Job Analysis, Work Load Analysis, Organization Culture, and Knowledge Management. He worked on government projects, and did work with state-owned and private companies on behalf of ITB (PT LAPI ITB and Foundation LAPI ITB).

In 2011, Fajar joined SBM ITB as a full-time lecturer, as a member (subsequently, chair) of the sub-group of People and Knowledge Management. His research interests include Positive Psychological Capital (Hope, Optimism, Resiliency, Self -Efficacy, Subjective Well Being), Human Capital Management, Human Behaviour, Soft Skills, Hard Skills and Individual Innovativeness, Performance Management, Organization Culture and Organization Development and Change. He has been a permanent Lecturer of ITB (Non-PNS (Non-Public Servant) since 2019.


KU1202 - Introduction to Engineering and Design
MB1102 - Experience Based Management Learning
MB2003 - Business Communication
MB2102 - Business Communication
MB2202 - Human Capital Management
MB2204 - Human Capital Management
MB4017 - Contemporary Human Resource Management
MB4017 - Digital Human Capital Management
MB4051 - Organizational Development and Learning Organization
MB4061 - Digital Human Capital Management
MB4064 - Organizational Development and Learning Organization
MB4090 - Colloquium
MB4091 - Final Project
MB4098 - Colloquium
MB4099 - Final Project
MB5008 - Fundamentals of People Management
MB6013 - Knowledge Management and Learning Organizations
MB6016 - Human Capital Management in Digital Era
MB6016 - Organizational Behavior
MB6017 - Knowledge Management and Learning Organization
MB6018 - People Analytics
MB6037 - Human Capital Management in the Digital Era
MB6038 - Knowledge Management and Learning Organization
MB6039 - People Analytics
MM5003 - Organizational Behaviour and Managing People
MM5005 - People in Organization
MM5014 - Digital Business Experience (P)
MM5016 - Knowledge Management for Innovation
MM5017 - Knowledge Management for Innovation
MM5027 - Knowledge Management for Innovation
MM6011 - Human Capital
MM6012 - Contemporary Human Capital Management
MM6015 - Driving Organizational Change in The Digital Age
MM6025 - Contemporary Human Capital Management
MM6028 - Driving Organizational Change in the Digital Age