
Acip is a Lecturer at the School of Business and Management, Bandung Institute of Technology (SBM-ITB). He member of Business Risks and Finance Expertise. He is also member of Institute of Indonesia Chartered Accountants (IAI). He earned a master’s degree in Accounting from the University of Padjadjaran Bandung. He has teaching experience in Financial Accounting, Managerial Accounting, and Auditing. He also has experience as an auditor, preparation of financial statements and Accounting Information Systems. He was a consultant at the Ministry of National Education of Indonesia in the field of Government Accounting. Acip’s research interest are Managerial Accounting, Sharia Accounting, Accounting for New Venture, Financial Audit and Control, and Taxation.


MB2001 - Financial Accounting
MB2005 - Financial Management
MB2203 - Financial Management
MB4010 - Financial Audit and Control
MB4014 - Financial Audit and Control
MB4014 - Managerial Accounting
MB4043 - Managerial Accounting
MB4044 - Financial Planning
MB4045 - Investment Management
MB5001 - Fundamentals of Accounting
MK2101 - Accounting for Business
MK2102 - Basic Accounting for Entrepreneur
MK2103 - Accounting for Business
MK2202 - Managerial Accounting
MK3017 - Business Finance
MK3035 - Managerial Accounting
MK3101 - Business Risk Analysis
MK3101 - Entrepreneurial Finance
MK3102 - Finance for Technopreneur
MK3102 - Investment and Capital Analysis
MM5002 - Accounting
MM5007 - Financial Management
MM5023 - Sharia Accounting
WI1103 - Sustainability