Ms. Dina Dellyana is lecturer and business incubator director at the School of Business and Management, Institut Teknologi Bandung (SBM ITB) also managing partner of iDNA Solution. She also act as Coordinator at the Global Center of Excellence and International Cooperation for Creative Economy (G-CINC) and actively involved in several creative industry and startup community activities as she also become a Division Head of City Creative Committee in Bandung, Indonesia and as a Startup Head Division in MIKTI Indonesia. She’s also actively conducting research with topics on Creative Industry, Digitalization, Innovation, SME Development, and Business Incubator. She writes several book and book chapters such as Blueprint Book of Indonesia’s Creative Industry: Music Subsector for Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (2015), Routledge Handbook of Cultural and Creative Industry in Asia” (2018), Collage of National Creative Economy Thought (2018), Digital Incubator Playbook (2020), Modelling a Healthy Creative Scene (2021), Startup Tools Book (2021), and Childpreneurship (2022).
DS5020 - Business Design 2MB1101 - Introduction to Business
MB2101 - Integrated Business Experience 1
MB2102 - Integrated Business Experience 1
MB2105 - Integrated Business Experience I
MB2201 - Integrated Business Experience 2
MB2203 - Integrated Business Experience 2
MB2204 - Integrated Business Experience II
MB4019 - Creativity and Innovation
MB6041 - Entrepreneurship Study
MB6045 - Small Business Development
MB8041 - Entrepreneurship Study
MK2001 - Design Thinking for Innovation
MK2002 - Business Model and System Development (P)
MK3001 - Business Planning and Feasibility (P)
MK3002 - Business Initiation Practice
MK3004 - Business Funding and Venture Capital Business
MK3005 - Business Ecosystem Practice 1 (P)
MK3007 - Start Up Business Practice 2
MK3008 - Start Up Business Practice 1
MK3011 - Tourism Business
MK3012 - Venture Capital Business
MK3014 - Creative and Cultural Entrepreneurship
MK3014 - Tourism Business
MK3016 - Creative and Cultural Entrepreneurship
MK3019 - Creativity and Innovation
MK3019 - Prototyping in Practice for Technopreneurship
MK4001 - Business Model and Product Innovation (P)
MK4001 - Start-up Business Practice (P)
MK4002 - Entrepreneurship Mentoring II (P)
MK4003 - Business Development Practice (P)
MK4003 - Business Ecosystem
MK4004 - Business Ecosystem Practice 2 (P)
MK4201 - Entrepreneurship Dynamics
MM5010 - Management of Innovation, Technology and Entrepreneurship
MM5011 - Management of Innovation, Technology and Entrepreneurship
MM5012 - Design Thinking for Building Business (P)
MM5013 - Business Acceleration for Growth (P)
MM5013 - New Venture Management (P)
MM5014 - Business Acceleration for Growth (P)
MM5015 - Business Initiation
MM5015 - Digital Business Experience (P)
MM5016 - New Venture Management
MM5017 - Business Growth Management
MM5017 - Entrepreneurial Leadership
MM5018 - Creative Business and Innovation
MM5020 - Art Design and Culture
MM5021 - Entrepreneurial Modelling
MM6001 - Creative Business and Innovation
MM6052 - Small Business Management
MM6056 - Corporate Entrepreneurship
MM6062 - Small Business Management
2016 | Doctor (Research) in science in management Institut Teknologi Bandung , Indonesia |
2009 | Master in Business Administration Institut Teknologi Bandung , Indonesia |
2006 | Bachelor in Pharmacy Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia |
2019 - 2021 | Scrum Master Certified Issued by SCRUM ALLIANCE |
2018 - 2020 | Certified Business Analyst Professional Issued by AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PROJECT MANAGEMENT |
2014 - 2016 | Sertifikat Kompetensi Apoteker (Pharmacist Competency Certificate) Issued by Komite Farmasi Nasional |
2016 - 2018 | School Level Director Business Incubator School of Business and Management Institut Teknologi Bandung |
2011 - 2015 | School Level Director International Relations Office School of Business and Management Institut Teknologi Bandung |
2023 | Pengembangan Promosi Dan Penjualan Digital Bagi UMKM Kota Bandung Internal level research award/sponsorship granted by ITB |
2023 | Development of Syariah Based Incubator in Indonesia Internal level research award/sponsorship granted by ITB |
2022 | Intention to Involve in International market Among Indonesian Smes in Food Sector: Integration Approach (Intensi Keterlibatan di Pasar Internasional UKM Sektor Pangan Indonesia: Pendekatan terintegrasi) Internal level research award/sponsorship granted by ITB |
2022 | Digitalisasi Berkelanjutan Menuju UKM Tangguh dan Berkembang di Era New Normal Internal level research award/sponsorship granted by PPMI SBM ITB |
2022 | Membangun Transformasi Bisnis Go Digital Dan Pondasi Pemasaran Digital Bagi Umkm Kota Bandung Internal level research award/sponsorship granted by PPMI SBM ITB |
2021 | Business agility as the key in the recovery of small and medium sized enterprises affected by covid-19 International level research award/sponsorship granted by SBM ITB |
2019 | Kajian Pengembangan 5 Industri Syariah (HALAL) untuk Perumusan Kebijakan yang Efektif dan Berkesinambungan Internal level research award/sponsorship granted by SBM ITB |
2018 | Model Pembelajaran e-learning Internal level research award/sponsorship granted by E-Learning of Institut Teknologi Bandung |
2018 | Kajian Kebijakan Ekonomi Kreatif Indonesia untuk Perumusan Kebijakan yang Efektif dan Berkesinambungan Internal level research award/sponsorship granted by SBM ITB |
2018 | Investigasi Kemauan dan Hambatan dalam Mendaftar Hak Kekayaan Intelektual oleh UMKM di Indonesia Internal level research award/sponsorship granted by SBM ITB |
2017 | Pemetaan Potensi Komersialisasi Hasil Penelitian Fakultas/Sekolah di ITB untuk Kolaborasi dengan Civitas Akademika SBM-ITB Internal level research award/sponsorship granted by SBM ITB |
2017 | Membangun Model Value Co-Creation sebagai Penentu Keberhasilan Start-Up Companies di Indonesia (Studi Kasus di Industri Kreatif di Bandung) Internal level research award/sponsorship granted by SBM ITB |
2017 | Pembuatan model dan pengukuran program Inkubator dan Akselerator www.thegreaterhub.id milik SBM ITB Internal level research award/sponsorship granted by SBM ITB |
2017 | Menuju ekosistem industri kreatif yang berkelanjutan – sebuah pemetaan menggunakan analisis potensi ko-kreasi dan perancangan model bisnis multi sektor industri kreatif (Studi kasus: kota Bandung) Internal level research award/sponsorship granted by P3MI/Institut Teknologi Bandung |
2016 | Evaluasi Proses Inovasi Bisnis Model berbasis Network pada 3 Jenis Strategic Network Internal level research award/sponsorship granted by SBM ITB |
2015 | Evaluasi Model Inovasi Model Bisnis Berbasis Jejaring Internal level research award/sponsorship granted by SBM ITB |
2023 | Creative Social Entrepreneurial Orientation: Developing Hybrid Values to Achieve the Sustainable Performance of Traditional Weaving SMEs Anggraeni Permatasari,Wawan Dhewanto,Dina Dellyana. Journal of Social Entrepreneurship. -. |
2023 | Towards SDGs 4 and 8: How Value Co-Creation Affecting Entrepreneurship Education’s Quality and Students’ Entrepreneurial Intention Carissa Tibia Walidayni,Dina Dellyana,Evy Rachmawati Chaldun. -. 15/5. |
2023 | Implementation of Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) to Understand Factors that Influence Working Mothers to Rent Breast Pumps using PLS-SEM Santika Wiguna,Dina Dellyana. -. Vol. 8 Issues 4 (2023). |
2023 | The Impact of Consumer Purchase Behavior towards User Purchase at E-commerce (Tokopedia) Hanyda hirzy,Dina Dellyana. -. Vol. 8 Issues 4 (2023). |
2023 | Analysis of the Marketing Strategy of the New Product Innovation in the Highly Saturated Fast-Moving Consumer Good (FMCG) Market: Study Case: ABC Sweet Soy Sauce with Flavor from the Kraft Heinz Company in Indonesia) Megawati irawan,Dina Dellyana. International Journal of Business and Management Studies. Vol. 5 No. 4 (2023). |
2023 | The Impact of Innovation Drivers and Innovation on Business Performance: Coffee Shops in Bekasi Fauzan Bariza,Dina Dellyana. International Journal of Social Science Research and Review. Vol.6 No. 5 (2023). |
2023 | Proposed Business Strategy for Coffee Shop Based on Customer Preferences Tri Hendra Widadi,Dina Dellyana. -. Vol. 5 No. 8 (2023). |
2023 | Proposed business strategy for nomaden architect based on customer preference in choosing architectural design service Laurentius Nicholas Rodriques,Dina Dellyana. -. Vol. 5 No.8 (2023). |
2023 | Determinant Influencing Factors For Customer Preferences in Local Fragrance Product (Case Study: Multitude Fragrance) Pascal Yudha Ginting,Dina Dellyana. -. Vol. 12 No. 1 (2023). |
2022 | The role of traditional knowledge-based dynamic capabilities to improve the sustainable performance of weaving craft in Indonesia Anggraeni Permatasari,Wawan Dhewanto,Dina Dellyana. -. Vol. 17 Issue 3 (2023). |
2022 | Does Innovative Millennial Entrepreneurship have a role in fostering cyber learning on business performance? A perspective of entrepreneurial agility Gita Hindrawati,Wawan Dhewanto,Dina Dellyana. The International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation. Vol. 24 Issues 4 (2022). |
2021 | An Agent Based Model of Creative Social Entrepreneurship Behaviour in The Context of Creative Economy Anggraeni Permatasari,Wawan Dhewanto,Dina Dellyana. Jurnal Manajemen Indonesia. Vol. 21 No. 1 (2021). |
2021 | A proposed model of value co-creation through multi-stakeholder collaboration in domestic product development Anggraeni Permatasari,Wawan Dhewanto,Dina Dellyana. Business: Theory and Practice. Vol. 22 Issue 2 (2021). |
2021 | Co-creation framework in cluster industry with limited resources Dina Dellyana,Bayuningrat Hardjakaprabon. International Journal of Business and Globalisation. Vol. 29, No. 2 (2021). |
2021 | A Comparative Case Study on Performance Management System in Architecture, Engineering, and Construction Start-up Enterprises in Indonesia Bernardus Ariono,Meditya Wasesa,Dina Dellyana,Wawan Dhewanto. The Asian Journal of Technology Management. Vol. 14 No. 3 (2021). |
2020 | COLLABORATIVE BUSINESS MODEL FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF VALUE NETWORK Mochamad Sandy Triady,Dina Dellyana,Ami Fitri Utami. PalArch's Journal of Archaeology of Egypt / Egyptology. VOL. 18 NO. 1 (2021). |
2018 | Managing the actor’s network, business model and business model innovation to increase value of the multidimensional value networks Dina Dellyana,Togar M. Simatupang,Wawan Dhewanto. International Journal of Business and Society. 19 (1). |
2017 | Business model types associated with network structure changes in the music industry Dina Dellyana,Togar M. Simatupang,Wawan Dhewanto. International Journal of Business Innovation and Research. 13 (1). |
2016 | Business Model Innovation in Different Strategic Networks Dina Dellyana,Togar M. Simatupang,Wawan Dhewanto. International Journal of Business. v 21/ I 3. |
2023 | Gastronomy Tourism: Local Food and Tourism Experience in Bandung Irma Citra Resmi,Wawan Dhewanto,Dina Dellyana. 7th Global Conference on Business, Management, and Entrepreneurship (GCBME 2022) |
2019 | Towards sustainable and agile business: Orchestrating business agility framework for the recovery of small and medium-sized enterprises (smes) affected by covid-19 in indonesia Wawan Dhewanto,Suhaiza Zailani,Dina Dellyana,Tribowo Rachmat Fauzan,Anindia Pratiwi Putri. European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship |
2018 | The Impact of Co-Branding Measurement Fit on Purchase Intention of Local Brand Co-Branded Product Gera Mutaqin,Dina Dellyana. The 3rd International Conference on Management in Emerging Markets |
2018 | Analytical Hierarchy Process for Consumer Preference of Café Interior Design Ricky Rahmadyansyah Husni,Dina Dellyana. The 3rd International Conference on Management in Emerging Markets |
2018 | Research, Education and Development Studies in Indonesian Creative Economy Policy Dina Dellyana,Isti Raafaldini Mirzanti,Emilia Fitriana Dewi. The 3rd International Conference on Management in Emerging Markets |
2018 | The Investigation of SMEs' IP Management at Different Growth Stages: A Preliminary Study in SMEs Eko Agus Prasetio,Dina Dellyana,Safrani Nurfatiasari. The 3rd International Conference on Management in Emerging Markets |
2017 | Network-Based Business Model Innovation in Information Technology Industry in Indonesia, Case Study of Hamzah Batik, Batik Giriloyo and Dekoruma Salsabila Farah Nadhira,Dina Dellyana. the 2nd International Conference on Management In Emerging Markets and International Conference on Innovation In Business and Strategy 2017 |
2017 | Network-Based Business Model Innovation In Information Technology Industry in Indonesia, Case Study of Bandung Digital Valley, Startup Bandung, and IDCloudHost Fadhila Rizky Ramadhan,Dina Dellyana. the 2nd International Conference on Management In Emerging Markets and International Conference on Innovation In Business and Strategy 2017 |
2017 | Social Factors Influencing Generation Y’s Purchase Intention of Local Brand Fashion in Bandung Saputra Fernanda Pandu,Dina Dellyana. The 3rd International Indonesian Forum for Asian Studies |
2016 | The High Value Outcome in Relation with Actor’s Network, Business Model and Business Model Innovation in Three Strategic Networks Dina Dellyana,Yulianto Suharto. International Conference on Innovation in Business and Strategy 2016 |
2014 | MAPPING OF ENTREPRENEUR'S BUSINESS MODEL AND NETWORK OF ACTORS IN CREATIVE INDUSTRY: CASE OF INDONESIAN MUSIC INDUSTRY Dina Dellyana. The 5th Indonesia International Conference on Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Small Business 2013 |
2013 | BUSINESS MODEL INNOVATION IN MUSIC INDUSTRY: A LITERATURE REVIEW. Dina Dellyana,Togar M. Simatupang. International Conference on Economic, Finance and Management Outlooks |
2013 | M-BUSINESS MODEL FOR MUSICIAN EXPLORATORY DISCOURSE m-Business Model for Music: An Exploratory Discourse.1 Dina Dellyana,Wawan Dhewanto,Togar M. Simatupang. The 4th Indonesia International Conference on Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Small Business 2012 |
2013 | Existing Music Business Model in Indonesia in Search of New Income Sources Dina Dellyana,Togar M. Simatupang. The 5th Indonesia International Conference on Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Small Business 2013 |
2012 | VALUE CHAIN ANALYSIS IN DESIGNER MAKER INDUSTRY: A CASE STUDY OF BANDUNG WEST JAVA, INDONESIA.1 Dina Dellyana,Sonny Rustiadi,Goldsmiths University Of London. The 10th Triple Helix Conference |
2011 | THE COMMERCIALIZATION OF INDONESIAN GAME DEVELOPER TO INTERNATIONAL MARKET Leo Aldianto,Dina Dellyana. Annual International Conference on Enterprise Marketing and Globalization 2011 |
2011 | Business Incubator Investigated: Learning from UK Dina Dellyana,Sonny Rustiadi. The 3rd Indonesia International Conference on Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Small Business 2011 |
2010 | A Study of New Prescribed Medical Product Acceptance, case in Jakarta and Surabaya, Indonesia Reza Ashari Nasution,Dina Dellyana,Sonny Rustiadi. The 2nd Indonesia International Conference on Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Small Business 2010 |
2010 | VENTURE CREATION: OPPORTUNITY IDENTIFICATION USING 3M METHOD : CASE: FEMALE CUSTOMER ORIENTED BUSINESS SHOPPING MALL Dina Dellyana. The 2nd Indonesia International Conference on Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Small Business 2010 |
2021 | Startup Tools Dina Dellyana,Indra Purnama,M Andy Zaky,Nina Arina,Wawan Dhewanto. Textbooks |
2019 | Routledge Handbook of Cultural and Creative Industries in Asia - Chapter 22. Collaborative DIY approach to creativepreneurship: taking charge of (own) future, Dina Dellyana and Sonny Rustiadi Dina Dellyana,Sonny Rustiadi. Chapter in Research Book |
2016 | Pendekatan Jejaring untuk Industri Musik Masa Kini Dina Dellyana. Article in Popular Media |
2012 | Tidak Cukup Media Sosial Dina Dellyana. Article in Popular Media |
2019 | Riset Strategis Penetrasi Pasar Luar Negeri Badan Ekonomi Kreatif Indonesia |
2019 | Pembentukan Global Center of Excellence Badan Ekonomi Kreatif |
2018 | Kegiatan Pelaksanaan Market Research, Penyusunan Arsitektur Data dan Sistem Informasi serta Pendampingan Penyusunan Platform dalam rangka Pengembangan Virtual Market Pesantren Bank Indonesia |
2018 | Kajian Pemetaan Market Syariah Bank Indonesia |
2017 | Penilaian Mandiri Kabupaten/Kota Kreatif Indonesia Deputi Infrastruktur Bekraf |
2014 | Ekonomi Kreatif: Kekuatan Baru Indonesia Menuju 2025 Kementerian Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif Republik Indonesia |
2014 | Ekonomi Kreatif: Kekuatan Baru Indonesia Menuju 2025 - Rencana Pengembangan Musik Nasional 2015-2019 Kementerian Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif Republik Indonesia |
2014 | Ekonomi Kreatif: Kekuatan Baru Indonesia Menuju 2025 - Rencana Aksi Jangka Menengah 2015-2019 Kementerian Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif Republik Indonesia |
2010 | Mayfair Building Arden Club |
2009 | Ulfa Communication School Project Ulfa Dwiyanti |
2019 | TOT for UMP incubator lecturer Training for Goverment Institutions provided by University Malaysia Pahang |
2016 | Metra Manager Leadership Program - PT Multimedia Nusantara Training for Corporations provided by CCE SBM ITB |
2016 | Mini MBA in Property Training for Corporations provided by SBM ITB |
2015 | Innovation in Creative Business Training for NGOs provided by UNPAR |
2015 | Shell Livewire: Innovating your Business Model Training for Corporations provided by Shell Indonesia |
2014 | Presentation Skill Training for NGOs provided by ITENAS Bandung |
2013 | Are you brave enough to be the next sales marketing director? Training for Corporations provided by Honda and Marketeers magazine |
2017 | 2 article(s) in The Asian Journal of Technology Management |
2017 | 1 article(s) in Creativity and Innovation Management |
2019 | Co-Innovation in The Music Industry School of Business and Management, Institut Teknologi Bandung Examiner |
2014 | Kewirausahaan dan Perpajakan Poltek Pos |
2019 | The Creative SME’s Destiny: How to Excel in the Era of Industry 4.0 KBRI Vienna |
2019 | Workshop Kewirausahaan STP Bali STP Bali/Kementrian Pariwisata |
2019 | TOT dosen kewirausahaan STP Medan STP Medan/Kementrian Pariwisata |
2019 | Entrepreneurship Seminar to UMP Students University Malaysia Pahang |
2019 | Diskusi Pembentukan RUU Ekraf Badan Ekonomi Kreatif |
2019 | Seminar Kewirausahaan mengenai Tourismpreneurship STP Bandung |
2019 | Paparan Program Manajemen Kolektif Hak Cipta Lagu BEKRAF |
2014 | Plenary Studi dan Perencaan Pengembangan Ekonomi Kreatif Kementerian Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif |
2019 | Goldsmith University of London, United Kingdom |