Donald Lantu earned his bachelor and MBA degree from ITB. He received his PhD, specializing in Leadership and Psychodynamic, from Massey University (New Zealand). Donald had published many articles in national mass medias (Bisnis Indonesia, Media Indonesia, SuaraPembaruan, Pikiran Rakyat) and journals (e.g. MBA ITB – Business Review, MBA ITB, Journal of Management Technology SBM ITB). He also had written 2 books, namely: Servant Leadership: The Ultimate Calling to Fulfill your Life’s Greatness; and as the second writer: Knowledge Management in the context of Learning Organization. Donald had been invited to speak about leadership in international conferences (e.g. Australia, New Zealand).
Donald had many experience in delivering trainings and doing some projects particularly in Leadership area for many organizations, such as: Blue Bird Group, Bappenas, DepartemenPerdagangan RI, ITB, LPIK, AP 2, Telkom, Chevron, Freeport, PTPN IV, Ciputra, Sushitei, and so forth. Currently, Donald is the Director of CIEL (Center for Innovation, Entrepreneurship, & Leadership) SBM ITB.
MB1102 - Experience Based Management LearningMB1102 - Performance Art
MB1201 - Experience Based Management Learning
MB1203 - Leadership and Management Practice
MB1203 - Psychology and Organizational Behavior
MB2002 - Psychology and Organizational Behavior
MB4051 - Organizational Development and Learning Organization
MB5001 - Fundamentals of Management and Organization
MB5008 - Fundamentals of People Management
MB5103 - Qualitative Research Methodology
MB6014 - Leadership Theory
MB6016 - Organizational Behavior
MB6045 - Small Business Development
MB7001 - Fundamentals of Management and Organization
MB7103 - Behavioral Science
MB7203 - Behavioral Science
MB8010 - Advanced Research in People and Knowledge Management
MB9091 - Progress Seminar I
MK2201 - Micro and Small Business
MM5003 - Organizational Behaviour and Managing People
MM5005 - People in Organization
MM5010 - Entrepreneurial Leadership
MM6013 - Business Leadership
MM6013 - Leading and Managing Organizational Change
MM6015 - Business Leadership
MM6026 - Business Leadership
2012 | Doctor (Research) in Servant Leadership Massey University, New Zealand (Aotearoa) |
2004 | Master in Business Administration Institut Teknologi Bandung , Indonesia |
2000 | Bachelor in Industrial Engineering Institut Teknologi Bandung , Indonesia |
2018 - 2020 | School Level Director Consultancy & Continuing Education School of Business and Management Institut Teknologi Bandung |
2018 - 2020 | School Level Director Center for Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Leadership School of Business and Management Institut Teknologi Bandung |
2017 - 2017 | Chair SBM ITB The 9th Indonesia International Conference on Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Small Business (IICIES 2017) CIEL SBM ITB |
2016 - 2018 | School Level Director Center for Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Leadership School of Business and Management Institut Teknologi Bandung |
2016 - 2018 | Manager ITB Alumnae Association |
2015 - 2016 | chair Leadership Excellence and Development (LEAD) in Asia Conference |
2015 - 2015 | chair The 7th Indonesia International Conference on Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Small Business (IICIES 2015)/CIEL SBM ITB |
2014 - 2015 | Chair CIEL The 6th Indonesia International Conference on Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Small Business (IICIES 2014)/CIEL SBM ITB |
2014 - 2015 | Chair null Klinik UKM BDG |
2013 - 2013 | Chair - The 5th Indonesia International Conference on Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Small Business (IICIES 2013)/CIEL SBM ITB |
2012 - 2016 | School Level Director Center for Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Leadership School of Business and Management Institut Teknologi Bandung |
2012 - 2012 | chair The 4th Indonesia International Conference on Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Small Business (IICIES 2012)/CIEL SBM ITB |
2019 | Pengembangan Model Komersialisasi Produk Pada Industri Kreatif (Klaster Industri Makanan dan Minuman) Berbasis Potensi Ekonomi Wilayah Sebagai Pendorong Pertumbuhan Industri dan Jasa National level research award/sponsorship granted by Kemenristekdikti (Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education) |
2019 | Evaluasi MBA Outing Team Building pada Peserta Program Young Professional (YP) di MBA ITB Internal level research award/sponsorship granted by SBM ITB |
2018 | Pengembangan Model Komersialisasi Produk Pada Industri Kreatif (Klaster Industri Makanan dan Minuman) Berbasis Potensi Ekonomi Wilayah Sebagai Pendorong Pertumbuhan Industri dan Jasa National level research award/sponsorship granted by Kemenristekdikti (Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education) |
2017 | Model Penguatan Daya Saing Klaster Industri Kreatif Dalam Menghadapi Persaingan Global Perdagangan Internasional National level research award/sponsorship granted by Kemenristekdikti (Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education) |
2017 | Pengembangan Model Komersialisasi Produk Pada Industri Kreatif (Klaster Industri Makanan dan Minuman) Berbasis Potensi Ekonomi Wilayah Sebagai Pendorong Pertumbuhan Industri dan Jasa National level research award/sponsorship granted by Kemenristekdikti (Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education) |
2017 | New Approach to measure the soundness level of small and medium enterprises using financial and non financial indicators Internal level research award/sponsorship granted by SBM ITB |
2017 | Happiness Index dan faktor faktor yang mempengaruhi: Suatu stud mixed methods dalam kaitannya dengan teknologi digital di ITB Internal level research award/sponsorship granted by P3MI/Institut Teknologi Bandung |
2016 | Identifikasi dan mapping attributes yang memprediksi keberhasilan pemimpin untuk konstekstual Indonesia – langkah awal modeling ITB Leadership Centre Internal level research award/sponsorship granted by SBM ITB |
2016 | Mengorganisir Para Pelaku Kreatif: Implementasi Design Thinking dalam Proses Kreatif di Industri Kreatif Indonesia Internal level research award/sponsorship granted by SBM ITB |
2016 | Pengembangan Manajemen Usaha bagi Usaha Mikro Makanan Tradisional Jawa Barat National level research award/sponsorship granted by LPPM ITB |
2015 | Model Strategi Pertumbuhan Bisnis dan Road Map Industri Kreatif : Pendekatan Quadruple Helix National level research award/sponsorship granted by Ministry of Education and Culture - Directorate of Higher Education |
2024 | Accelerating Millennials' Leadership Development Program -- A Proposal for New Guidelines Irwan Dewanto,Donald Crestofel Lantu,Achmad Fajar Hendarman,Agung Wicaksono. Grey Journal. Vol. 20 No. 1 (2024). |
2024 | Accelerating Millennials' Leadership Development Program -- A Proposal for New Guidelines. Irwan Dewanto,Donald Crestofel Lantu,Achmad Fajar Hendarman,Agung Wicaksono. Grey Journal. Vol. 20 No. 1 (2024). |
2024 | SOEs Top Management Perspectives on Key Leadership Behaviors of Millennial Leadership: A Thematic Analysis Bently Nevada Tobing,Donald Crestofel Lantu,Henndy Ginting,Jann Hidajat Tjakraatmadja. Qubahan Academic Journal. Vol. 4 No. 3 (2024). |
2023 | Leadership dimensions and behaviors in business schools’ forced digital transformation Ardhi Ridwansyah,Donald Crestofel Lantu,Yudo Anggoro. -. Vol. 12 No. 3 (2023): April. |
2023 | Workplace e-learning acceptance: combining symmetrical and asymmetrical perspectives Donald Crestofel Lantu,Haifa Labdhagati,Irwan Dewanto. Journal of Workplace Learning. Vol 4. No. 3 (2022). |
2022 | The Impact of Agile Leadership to Business Resilience in the Face of the Vuca Era Endhita Dhestiana Indiarti,Donald Crestofel Lantu. -. Vol. 4, No. 3. |
2022 | Indonesian Leather Handicraft Trade in the International Market: SWOT analysis approach Donald Crestofel Lantu,Mia Rosmiati,Rendra Chaerudin,Sri Herliana,Nur Lawiyah. -. Vol. 5 No. 3 (2022). |
2022 | Experiential learning model: improving entrepreneurial values through internship program at start-ups Donald Crestofel Lantu,Yulianto Suharto,Ira Fachira,Anggraeni permatasari,Grisna Anggadwita. Higher Education, Skills and Work-Based Learning. Vol. 12 No. 1 (2022). |
2021 | Indonesian Agriculture-Based Creative Industry Challenges and Strategies – A Case Study of Rattan Donald Crestofel Lantu,Mia Rosmiati,Sri Herliana,Rendra Chaerudin,Nur Lawiyah. Journal of the Austrian Society of Agricultural Economics. Vol 17 , Issue 09. |
2021 | Business Communication Model Amid Pandemic: A Case Study Of Creative Industry Smes Phenomena In Indonesia Donald Crestofel Lantu,Sri Hartati. Journal of Positive Psychology & Wellbeing. Vol. 5, No. 3, 1231–1244. |
2021 | SME informal export model in Cibaduyut SME cluster in Indonesia Wawan Dhewanto,Sri Herliana,Donald Crestofel Lantu,Nur Lawiyah. International Journal of Public Sector Performance Management. Volume 7, Issue 1. |
2021 | Indonesia's Creative Industry in the Trade Balance Index A Preliminary Case Study Donald Crestofel Lantu,Mia Rosmiati,Sri Herliana,Rendra Chaerudin,Nur Lawiyah. Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research. Vol. 10 Issues s1 (2021). |
2021 | Indonesia’s Fashion Export Performance - A Preliminary Case Study Donald Crestofel Lantu,Mia Rosmiati,Sri Herliana,Rendra Chaerudin,Nur Lawiyah. Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research. Vol.10 Issues s1 (2021). |
2020 | Performance assessment framework for small and medium enterprise Subiakto Soekarno,Isti Raafaldini Mirzanti,Donald Crestofel Lantu,Raden Roro Mirna. International Journal of Business and Globalisation. Vol.26 No.1/2 (2020). |
2020 | Was the training effective? Evaluation of managers’ behavior after a leader development program in Indonesia’s best corporate university Donald Crestofel Lantu,Haifa Labdhagati,Muhammad Wafi Razanaufal,Felicia Dwirahma Sumarli. International Journal of Training Research. Not yet published in a volume/issue. |
2020 | Entrepreneurial Characters in Food Clusters in a Developing Country; a Preliminary Case Study of Pojok Cimahi in Indoensia Donald Crestofel Lantu,Sri Herliana,Mia Rosmiati,Qorri Aina,Nur Lawiyah. Test Engineering and Management. 82. |
2019 | Evaluation of Leadership Training Program Using Kirkpatrick Model Case Study in Telkom Corporate University Muhammad Wafi Razanaufal,Donald Crestofel Lantu. Research Journal of Finance and Accounting. Vol. 26 No. 1/2. |
2018 | DOES MORE MONEY MAKE PEOPLE HAPPIER? A STUDY OF YOUTH EMPLOYMENT CONTEXT IN INDONESIA Muhammad Yorga Permana,Donald Crestofel Lantu,Henndy Ginting,Raden Aswin Rahadi. Journal of Humanities, Language, Culture and Business. 2/8. |
2018 | The effect of innovation and technological specialization on income inequality Muhammad Yorga Permana,Donald Crestofel Lantu,Yulianto Suharto. Problems and Perspectives in Management. Volume 16, Issue 4, 2018. |
2018 | The entrance mode for small and medium enterprises in the Indonesian fashion industry to international market Wawan Dhewanto,Donald Crestofel Lantu,Sri Herliana,Salma Azzahra. International Journal of Business Innovation and Research. Volume 16, Issue 3. |
2018 | Model Commercialization of Chips Product at Cluster of Chips at Pojok Cimahi: a Preliminary Study Donald Crestofel Lantu,Mia Rosmiati,Qorri Aina,Sri Herliana,Nur Lawiyah. -. Vol 7, No 3.25 (2018) Special Issue 25. |
2017 | Implementation Creative Thinking for Undergraduate Student: A Case Study of First Year Student in Business School Diena Yudiarti,Donald Crestofel Lantu. Advanced Science Letters. Volume 23, Number 8, August 2017, pp. 7254-7257(4). |
2017 | ANALYZING THE EFFECTIVENESS OF A JOINT CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY PROGRAM TO EMPOWER PEOPLE IN AN INDONESIAN VILLAGE Donald Crestofel Lantu,Shaniqua Adalawiya Pulungan,Diena Yudiarti. International Journal of Business and Society. Vol. 18 S2, 2017, 323-338. |
2016 | The obstacles for science technology parks in a developing country Wawan Dhewanto,Donald Crestofel Lantu,Sri Herliana,Anggraeni Permatasari. International Journal of Technological Learning, Innovation and Development. Vol. 8, No. 1 (2016). |
2016 | Pengembangan Model Peningkatan Daya Saing UMKM di Indonesia: Validasi Kuantitatif Model Donald Crestofel Lantu,Mochamad Sandy Triady,Ami Fitri Utami,Achmad Ghazali. Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi. Volume 15, no. 1 2016. |
2015 | Diamond Model Development of ICT Industry Clusters in a Developing Country Wawan Dhewanto,Rendra Chaerudin,Donald Crestofel Lantu,Sri Herliana,Evy Rachmawati Chaldun. Journal of Business & Management (COES&RJ-JBM). Vol 3 (2015). |
2015 | Building sustainable entrepreneurship ecosystems Togar M. Simatupang,Andreas Schwab,Donald Crestofel Lantu. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business. Volume 26, Issue 4. |
2015 | The innovation cluster of ICT start-up companies in developing countries: case of Bandung, Indonesia Wawan Dhewanto,Donald Crestofel Lantu,Sri Herliana,Grisna Anggadwita. International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital. Volume 12, issue 1, pages 32-64. |
2014 | Triple Helix Model in Indonesian ICT Cluster Development Wawan Dhewanto,Raden Bayuningrat Hardjakaprabon,Donald Crestofel Lantu,Evy Rachmawati Chaldun,Rendra Chaerudin,Qorri Aina,Sri Herliana. World Applied Sciences Journal. Vol 30, pp: 302-307. |
2022 | The Competitiveness of Indonesian Craft as Creative Industries in the Global Market: A SWOT Analysis Approach Donald Crestofel Lantu,Sri Herliana,Rendra Chaerudin,Nur Lawiyah. Proceedings of 6th Global Conference on Business, Management, and Entrepreneurship |
2020 | PROPOSED A NEW COMPETENCIES AND LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM FOR PT. TELEKOMUNIKASI INDONESIA TBK. Abel Tedjamulja,Aurik Gustomo,Donald Crestofel Lantu,Muhammad Yorga Permana. Singapore International Conference on Management, Business, Economic and Social Science |
2019 | SWOT-TOWS ANALYSIS OF COMMERCIALIZATION PRODUCTS IN CLUSTERS: A PRELIMINARY CASE STUDY Donald Crestofel Lantu,Sri Herliana,Nur Lawiyah. The 4th International Conference on Management in Emerging Markets 2019 and The 11th Indonesia International Conference on Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Small Business 2019 |
2018 | Evaluating the Effectiveness of the Use of Scharmer’s Theory-U Model in Action-Learning-Based Leadership Development Program Donald Crestofel Lantu,Henndy Ginting,Muhammad Yorga Permana,Dany Muhammad Athory Ramdlany. World Academy of Science Engineering and Technology |
2018 | Determinant Factors of Information Technology Adoption in Creative Business and the Result of its Application: Case of SMEs Cluster in South Bandung Wawan Dhewanto,Sri Herliana,Donald Crestofel Lantu,Nur Lawiyah. The 2nd International Conference on Technology, Innovation, Society and Science-to-Business 2018 |
2018 | The Formation of Food Cluster in Indonesia Donald Crestofel Lantu,Sri Herliana,Mia Rosmiati,Qorri Aina,Nur Lawiyah. The 2nd International Conference on Technology, Innovation, Society and Science-to-Business 2018 |
2018 | Learning Theory, Pedagogy, and Gamification: A Further Research Hendarsyah Aditya Saptari,Jann Hidajat Tjakraatmadja,Donald Crestofel Lantu. The 3rd International Conference on Management in Emerging Markets |
2018 | Efforts to Manage Creative People in Startup Company in Indonesia Hana Shabira Fauziah,Donald Crestofel Lantu. The 3rd International Conference on Management in Emerging Markets |
2017 | Factors affecting the inhibition of export business activities in the Cibaduyut cluster through the cause-effect diagram approach Wawan Dhewanto,Sri Herliana,Donald Crestofel Lantu,Nur Lawiyah. the 2nd International Conference on Management In Emerging Markets and International Conference on Innovation In Business and Strategy 2017 |
2017 | New Approach to Small and Medium Enterprises Assessment Subiakto Soekarno,Raden Roro Mirna,Donald Crestofel Lantu,Isti Raafaldini Mirzanti. the 2nd International Conference on Management In Emerging Markets and International Conference on Innovation In Business and Strategy 2017 |
THEORY Lita Ayudia Fitriyani,Donald Crestofel Lantu,Atik Aprianingsih. the 2nd International Conference on Management In Emerging Markets and International Conference on Innovation In Business and Strategy 2017 |
2015 | Development of SMEs’ Competitiveness Model in Indonesia Donald Crestofel Lantu,Mochamad Sandy Triady. The 7th Indonesia International Conference of Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Small Business 2015 |
2015 | Best Fit Strategy and Business Model for Bandung Small Medium Fashion Enterprise Donald Crestofel Lantu. The 7th Indonesia International Conference of Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Small Business 2015 |
2015 | Organizing Creative People in Creative Industry: Preliminary Study about Implementation of Design Thinking in Indonesia Diena Yudiarti,Donald Crestofel Lantu. The 5th Business, Economics and Communications International Conference |
2015 | STRATEGIC DEVELOPMENT FOR INTERNATIONALIZATION OF INDONESIAN SME’S FASHION BUSINESS1 Wawan Dhewanto,Evy Rachmawati Chaldun,Sri Herliana,Donald Crestofel Lantu. Asia Pacific Conference on Business and Social Sciences 2015 |
2014 | Servant Leadership and Human Capital Management: Case Study in Citibank Indonesia Andre,Donald Crestofel Lantu. The 6th Indonesia International Conference on Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Small Business 2014 |
2014 | Servant Leadership Practices: Case Study in Indonesian workplaces Sanchia Arindhita,Donald Crestofel Lantu. The 6th Indonesia International Conference on Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Small Business 2014 |
2014 | The Human Capital Index Impact In Small And Medium Enterprise Development: Case Study In Indonesia Nurlia Balqish,Wawan Dhewanto,Donald Crestofel Lantu. International Conference on Trends in Multidisciplinary Business and Economics Research |
2014 | Hiring Student For Part Time Workers In Indonesia To Enhance Small Medium Enterprises In Food Industries Febrialdy Hendratawan,Wawan Dhewanto,Donald Crestofel Lantu. International Conference on Trends in Multidisciplinary Business and Economics Research |
2014 | The Acceptance Of Women Leadership In Indonesia In Correlation With Organizational Performance Prameshwara Anggahegari,Donald Crestofel Lantu. International Conference on Trends in Multidisciplinary Business and Economics Research |
2013 | Development Model to Measure Competitiveness Among the Creative Industry Cluster of SMEs in Bandung Ramadilla Maghfira Utami,Donald Crestofel Lantu. The 5th Indonesia International Conference on Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Small Business 2013 |
2013 | The Governmental Support in Improving the Ability of ICT Small Entrepreneurs to Utilize Market Opportunities Wawan Dhewanto,Evy Rachmawati Chaldun,Sri Herliana,Raden Bayuningrat Hardjakaprabon,Donald Crestofel Lantu,Rendra Chaerudin,Qorri Aina. International Conference on Management and Technology in Knowledge, Service, Tourism and Hospitality 2013 |
2013 | Growth and Competitiveness of The ICT Innovation Cluster Sri Herliana,Wawan Dhewanto,Donald Crestofel Lantu. International Conference on Innovation Challenges in Multidisciplinary Research & Practice 2013 |
2013 | Triple Helix Modell in Indonesian ICT Cluster Development3 Wawan Dhewanto,Raden Bayuningrat Hardjakaprabon,Donald Crestofel Lantu,Sri Herliana,Rendra Chaerudin,Evy Rachmawati Chaldun,Qorri Aina. International Conference on Innovation Challenges in Multidisciplinary Research & Practice 2013 |
2013 | Understanding the Role of Emotional Intelligence and Trust to the Relationship between Organizational Politics and Organizational Commitment Ami Utami,M. Yuni Ros Bangun,Donald Crestofel Lantu. The 5th Indonesia International Conference on Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Small Business 2013 |
2013 | Servant Leadership Theory Development & Measurement Ani Wahyu Rachmawati,Donald Crestofel Lantu. The 5th Indonesia International Conference on Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Small Business 2013 |
2015 | Strategi Pengembangan Usaha Tokosika Donald Crestofel Lantu. Article in Popular Media |
2017 | Kerjasama Penelitian Penyusunan Tools Employee Engagement Survey dan Model Intervensi PT.PLN |
2017 | Project Management Office BIJB Bandar Udara Internasional Jawa Barat |
2016 | Evaluasi Unit Bisnis PDAM Tirtawening Kota Bandung Bagian Perekonomian Sekretariat Daerah Kota Bandung |
2016 | Business Coaching SHELL Indonesia |
2015 | Aquademi Wirausaha 1 PT Tirta Investama |
2015 | Restructuring the Organization KDL |
2015 | Small Business Empowerment Danone |
2014 | Penyusunan Dokumen Rencana Bisnis 2015—2018 PD Pasar Bermartabat Kota Bandung |
2014 | Ekonomi Kreatif: Kekuatan Baru Indonesia Menuju 2025 Kementerian Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif Republik Indonesia |
2014 | Ekonomi Kreatif: Kekuatan Baru Indonesia Menuju 2025 - Rencana Aksi Jangka Menengah 2015-2019 Kementerian Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif Republik Indonesia |
2014 | Indonesian Creative Economy Blue Print Project Kemenparekraf |
2013 | Repositioning Organization Project Bappenas |
2013 | Small Business Competitiveness Index Project Bappenas |
2012 | Business Process Reengineering Project PTPN IV |
2019 | Great People Managerial Program Training for Corporations provided by Telkom Corporate University |
2019 | Shell liveWIRE Energy Solutions Training for NGOs provided by Shell Indonesia |
2018 | SME Banker's Executive Certification Programme - PT Bank UOB Indonesia Training for Corporations provided by CCE SBM ITB |
2018 | Human Capital Management and Change Management Training for Goverment Institutions provided by CCE |
2018 | Excellent Execution Workshop Blue Bird Group Training for Corporations provided by CIEL SBM ITB |
2018 | Great People Managerial Program PT Telkom Training for Corporations provided by CIEL SBM ITB |
2017 | SBM ITB - UOB SME Bankers Training Training for Corporations provided by CCE SBM ITB |
2016 | UOB - SBM ITB Banker's Executive Certification Programme - PT Bank UOB Indonesia Training for Corporations provided by CCE SBM ITB |
2016 | Business Leadership Training for Public provided by U&I Consultant |
2015 | Small Business Management Training for Corporations provided by Shell Indonesia |
2014 | Mini MBA - ICON Training for Corporations provided by U&I Consultant |
2014 | Business Leadership - MDMedia Training for Corporations provided by U&I Consultant |
2014 | Business Leadership - Telpro Training for Corporations provided by U&I Consultant |
2014 | Business Leadership - Hutama Karya Training for Corporations provided by U&I Consultant |
2014 | Strategic Planning - PD Pasar Bermartabat Training for Corporations provided by CCE SBM ITB |
2013 | Business Leadership - ICON Training for Corporations provided by U&I Consultant |
2013 | Business Leadership - Telpro Training for Corporations provided by U&I Consultant |
2012 | Chief of Financial Officer Leadership Program (Batch I - 2) - PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Persero) Training for Corporations provided by CCE SBM ITB |
2012 | First Line Development Program for Human Resource - PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Persero) Training for Corporations provided by CCE SBM ITB |
2012 | Senior Financial Officer Leadership Program (Batch I - 2) - PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Persero) Training for Corporations provided by CCE SBM ITB |
2017 | 1 article(s) in Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi |
2013 | 1 article(s) in Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi |
2013 | 1 article(s) in The Asian Journal of Technology Management |
- | - . Record of Peer Review of Conference Paper |
- | - . Record of Peer Review of Conference Paper |
2019 | The Effect of Gamificatin in Improving Students Leadership Skills in Higher Education Institution Based on Learning Style Doctor of Science in Management – SBM ITB Promotor |
2016 | A Realistic Evaluation Approach to Entrepreneurship Policy School of Business and Management Institut Teknologi Bandung Examiner |
2016 | Enterprise Sustainability: The Role of Human Capital and Informal Knowledge Sharing in Medium-sized Food Manufacturing Enterprises School of Business and Management Institut Teknologi Bandung Examiner |
2014 | Dynamic Marketing Capability and Service Innovation Capability for Service Excellence in the Hotel Industry (A Case Study in Bandung) School of Business and Management Institut Teknologi Bandung Examiner |
2015 | Meningkatkan Daya Saing UMKM Shell |
2017 | Daya Saing UMKM Indonesia Kementerian Perindustrian Indonesia |
2016 | MIT Bootcamp |