
Prawira Fajarindra Belgiawan (Fajar) is an Associate Professor at the School of Business and Management, Institut Teknologi Bandung (SBM ITB). He received his bachelor degree from Regional and City Planning Department, Bandung Institute of Technology. He continued his study and received his master and doctoral degree from the Department of Urban Management, Kyoto University, Japan. After completing his doctoral degree, he worked at Kyoto University as a postdoctoral researcher for one and a half year before continuing as a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute for Transport Planning and System (IVT), ETH Zurich for one year.

Fajar conducted a research on Choice Modelling, especially psychological aspects that influence a person’s choice decision when he was a master student at Kyoto University. During his doctoral study and postdoc at Kyoto University, he continued the choice modeling research incorporating the perceived influence of others. At IVT ETH Zurich he continued his research on influence of others on consumer decision as well as conducted a research on random regret minimization which is the opposite of random utility maximization.

Fajar is now joining the Business Strategy and Marketing research group in the School of Business and Management. Fajar’s main research interest is on the application of the stated choice experiments, psychological aspects and the discrete choice model on travel behaviour and marketing. His other research interest is in studying whether people decision can actually be influenced by their significant others.


KU1102 - Introduction to Computing
KU1202 - Introduction to Engineering and Design
MB1101 - Introduction to Business
MB1203 - Leadership and Management Practice
MB2103 - Marketing
MB2105 - Marketing
MB3001 - Business Sustainability Management & Agile Organisation
MB3003 - Business Sustainability Management & Agile Organisation
MB3132 - Strategic Management
MB3231 - International Business
MB4025 - Marketing Research
MB4057 - Service Marketing
MB5007 - Fundamentals of Marketing Management
MB6031 - Market Research
MB6034 - Consumer Behavior Analysis
MB6035 - Technology Commercialization
MB8002 - Behavioral Marketing
MK2102 - Market Research
MK2152 - Global Market Research
MK2201 - Marketing for Technopreneur
MK4102 - Business Growth Strategy
MM5001 - Marketing Management
MM5003 - Marketing Management
MM5009 - Strategic Management and Agile Enterprise
MM5010 - Strategic Management and Agile Enterprise
MM6033 - Applied Marketing Research
MM6039 - Applied Marketing Research