Muhammad Juliansyah Putra or commonly called Yayan is a graduate of the Doctoral Program in Administrative Science with a concentration in Business Administration at Padjadjaran University, Bandung and is the best graduate of FISIP Unpad in July 2021 with a GPA of 4.0 at the age of 33 years. Now currently works in Bandung as an full Academic as a Civil Servant Lecturer at the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), precisely at the School of Business and Management (SBM) with the People and Knowledge Management (PKM) Expertise Group. Previously, Yayan was active as a Practitioner at one of the BUMN, namely PT KAI (Persero) with his last position as Psychology Assessor at the Head Office of PT KAI (Persero) in Bandung and several position mostly in Human Resource Division, and also have experience teaching in a blended teaching in the Undergraduate Program (S.1), Postgraduate Program (S.2) PGRI Palembang University as well as a lecturer at the Palembang City Tourism State Polytechnic Campus. (Poltekpar) and has experience as an Expert Trainer / Facilitator for the Kemdikbudristek Jakarta School Mover Program with a placement in Banyuasin Regency. He is also active as a speaker at the National Conference held by Padjadjaran University with the theme "Business Sustainability" and several other national seminars. Yayan is also actively conducting research in the field of Human Capital with his experience as Junior Manager Recruitment at the Head Office of PT KAI (Persero), and in the field of Archives with Archivist Certification from ANRI Jakarta, and also has certification in the field of research, namely the National Qualitative Researcher certification with the title CIQaR in 2021, Lecturer Certification in the Anti-Corruption Education Course in 2021 in Collaboration with the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) & Dikti and last in 2021 he has certification as a National "Assessment Center" Psychology Assessor from the PPM Management Institute Jakarta.
2021 | Doctor (Research) in Administrasi Bisnis Universitas Padjajaran, Indonesia |