
Nila Armelia Windasari (Nila) received her bachelor degree in Accounting from Universitas Airlangga. After graduation, she worked as an assistant auditor in MAZARS. Since 2013, Nila moved to Taiwan and obtained her MBA in Asia University, Taiwan. She got awarded by LPDP to continue a doctoral program in the Institute of Service Science, National Tsing Hua University. During her PhD study, Nila got an opportunity to do visiting research in Hofstra University, NY – USA; has been awarded as HICSS Doctoral Fellow on 2017, and received Phi Tau Phi Scholastic Honor Society Award for her academic excellence upon graduation. Her dissertation was awarded as the Best PhD Dissertation in Service Science Society (s3tw) Academic Research Award. She is also a member of INFORMS Service Science and ISSIP (The International Society of Service Innovation Professionals)

During her study in Taiwan, Nila also served as a tutor for Management Department - Indonesia Open University in Taipei, for four years. Nila is now joining sub-interest group Business Strategy and Marketing at SBM ITB. His research interests include technology-enabled service, service marketing, and service design, to explore how individuals experience a technology to improve his/her wellbeing and cocreate value with other actors.


MB1101 - Introduction to Business
MB1102 - Performance Art
MB1203 - Leadership and Management Practice
MB2004 - Introduction to International Business
MB2006 - Introduction to International Business
MB2103 - Marketing
MB2105 - Integrated Business Asia 1
MB2205 - Integrated Business Asia 2
MB3001 - Business Sustainability Management & Agile Organisation
MB3003 - Business Sustainability Management & Agile Organisation
MB3231 - International Business
MB4024 - Digital Marketing
MB4026 - Service Marketing
MB4049 - Retail Management
MB4050 - Brand Management
MB4057 - Service Marketing
MB6023 - Digital Marketing
MB6032 - Branding Science
MB6033 - Service Marketing Strategies
MB6035 - Technology Commercialization
MK3034 - Brand Development Management
MK3035 - Brand Development and Management
MM5001 - Marketing Management
MM5003 - Marketing Management
MM5009 - Strategic Management and Agile Enterprise
MM5014 - Digital Business Experience (P)
MM5015 - Digital Business Experience (P)
MM6031 - Digital Marketing
MM6036 - Digital Marketing
MM6038 - Branding and Marketing Communication
MM6040 - International Marketing Management