
Dr. Simatupang is a Professor of Operations and Supply Chain Management at Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia. He holds a PhD degree from Massey University in New Zealand. At the School of Business and Management ITB, he teaches Technology and Operations Management, Supply Chain Management, Operations Management, and the Creative Economy. He is well known as an expert in supply chain management and creative industry development. He is recently involved in emerging research on the creative economy in Indonesia such as national creative industry mapping, the roadmap of creative industry in the West Java Province, the creative mapping of Bandung City, and the concept of creative mapping for the Province of Jakarta. He is associated with Indonesia Logistics Association, Bandung Creative City Forum, and the British Council in developing creative industry and creative community. His research interests include supply chain collaboration, inventory models, operations management, service science, and creative economy.

His other research focuses on the development and management of collaborative relationships such as how to design and manage supply chain collaboration, how to equalize their risks and rewards, and how to share the benefits of collaboration. The results of his research have been published in a variety of journals, including the International Journal of Logistics Management, Total Quality Management, Management Decision, Business Process Management Journal, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, Benchmarking: An International Journal, and International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management. In addition, he has presented his work at national and international conferences.

He was a recipient of the Emerald Literati Network Award 2006 for the highly commended paper published in the International Journal of Logistics Management. He was also rewarded Endeavour Award from the Government of Australia for a postdoctoral study at the University of Newcastle in 2008.


KU4094 - Profession Development A
MB1101 - Introduction to Business
MB2201 - Technology and Operation Management
MB2207 - Technology and Operation Management 1
MB4023 - Supply Chain Management
MB5001 - Fundamentals of Management and Organization
MB50M1 - Fundamentals of Management-Philosophy
MB5101 - Management Thought and Research
MB5103 - Management Thought and Research
MB5202 - Academic Writing
MB5202 - Management Research Design
MB6014 - Halal Operations and Value Chain
MB6022 - Supply Chain Management and Procurement
MB6035 - Halal Value Chains and Operations
MB60M5 - Fundamentals of Management
MB7001 - Fundamentals of Management and Organization
MB7012 - Qualification Exam
MB7101 - Philosophy and Methodology of Science in Management
MB7101 - Philosophy of Science
MB7101 - Philosophy of Science Management
MB7104 - Preparation Examination
MB7201 - Research Proposal
MM5002 - Operations and Supply Chain Management
MM6041 - Supply Chain Design
MM6042 - Supply Chain Design