Supply chain management is based on the notion that every product that reaches an end customer represents the cumulative effort of multiple organizations. While supply chains have essentially existed since the start of business, the subject of supply chain management, or logistics, has not been sufficiently studied until recently. The extensive industry needs a broad spectrum of trained workforce to fill the range of job functions.
Mini MBA in Resilient Supply Chain is a non degree collaborative programme from SBM – ITB, NORAD, and CILT Indonesia. Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD) is a Norwegian Programme for capacity development in higher education and research for development aimed at strengthening the capacity of higher education institutions through NORHED programme. Together with SBM – ITB and CILT Indonesia, we provide a chance for the talent in any level – entry level, the supervisory and managerial level to elevate their knowledge and skill following the state of the art development of a resilient supply chain.
Who can join this programme?
All individuals, academicians, practitioners, and organizations who want to upgrade their understanding related to how companies can excel and overcome business challenges and future disruption through resilient supply chain management.
What will participants get?
The participants have an opportunity to get the knowledge and discuss best practice with the experts in the area. All participants will get all materials and a certificate of attendance for each module completed. Besides that, for International Batch, participants will additionally get a CPD Certificate from CILT International.
What is a CILT CPD Certificate?
The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT) Indonesia is the professional society representing the logistics and transportation industries in the nation. CILT Indonesia is a branch from CILT International where as a leading professional body have a commitment to maintenance and improve knowledge, skills and competence throughout a professional’s working life. Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is one of CILT programmes for professionals to maintain and enhance their knowledge and skills. Therefore, a CPD certificate from CILT International will support you in upgrading knowledge, skills, and capabilities in your career progression.
Participants will get all materials and a certificate of attendance.
22-23 Oktober 2022
“Effective Project Management” by Gatot Yudoko, Ph.D
How to manage unplanned issues while keeping the ball rolling on company goals and tasks in progress? Effective project management will help you have a firm grasp on the scope, budget, resources, personnel, and timeline dedicated to a project.
5-6 November 2022
“Building Quality Into Processes” by Dr. Eng. Mursyid Hasan Basri
This course discusses various perspectives on quality and how quality is related to business processes. By understanding business process properties, especially the factors that cause variation, participants can learn how to build quality into their business processes.
3-4 December 2022
“Security Management Systems for Supply Chain: The Introduction” by Prof. Togar M Simatupang (*)
This module enables participants to comprehend the concepts, approaches, and the importance of a Supply Chain Security Management System that will benefit businesses, society, and governments.
26 -27 November 2022
“Digital Transformation Towards Industry 4.0” by Dr. Eng. Nur Budi Mulyono
We’ll discuss the pace of change and the imperative of digital transformation created for businesses and what it takes to win in the digital age by identification of key areas of digital transformation, including strategy, core processes, and technology.
Participants will get all materials, a certificate of attendance, and CILT CPD certification.
19-20 November 2022
“Successful Negotiation Strategies and Skills for Managing Program: Foundation and Practices” by Yos Sunitiyoso, Ph.D
Experience on how to initiate and manage the execution of program management as well as how to improve your negotiation skills on any situation
29-30 Oktober 2022
“Halal Operations and Value Chain” by Yuliani Dwi Lestari, Ph.D
Understand the development of halal business from the perspective of the market, industry, and company through discussion from theoretical understanding, real cases, as well as practical understanding.
Tuition Fee:
- Early bird IDR 4.000.000 / package (sd. 30 September 2022).
- Normal IDR 5.000.000 / package
Why Mini MBA in Resilient Supply Chain?
- This programme will be conducted online
- Participants can choose which module is suitable with their needs and interests.
- This programme will use various learning methods such as pre-learning activities, case studies, and discussion with academicians and practitioners.
Lecturer on Mini MBA in Resilient Supply Chain
Practitioners on Mini MBA in Resilient Supply Chain

Mr. Lexxy is the Director of PT. Delapan Sepuluh Media Jasa. He will be joining Mr. Nur Budi Mulyono in delivering topics on Digital Transformation Towards Industry 4.0
Dr. Ir. Hally Hanafiah is Vice President of Sales Operation on PT Wizzy Smart Technology and Director of PT. Purna Abdi Logistic. Dr. Ir. Hally Hanafiah has a lot of experience as consultant in developing Long Term Business Plan in State Own Enterprise and Fleet Management Project. He also has a lot of lecturing experience at several universities in Indonesia with topics such as global supply chain, logistics, project management, and strategic management. Mr. Hally Hanafiah will share his experience on Halal Operations and Value Chain modul together with Ms. Yuliani Dwi Lestari.
Mr. Agus Haryadi is a consultant and an entrepreneur with many years of experience in project management and operation excellence. He has a lot of experience serving as a consultant on various projects, most of them are oil and gas companies. Mr. Agus Haryadi will share his experience in managing projects and how important it is in order to avoid “Catastrophic Project Managements”.
Mr. Akhmad Susanto currently serves as Senior Manager – Programme Delivery at AIA Financials. His professional experience covers international IT project management activities in Indonesia, Asia-Pacific and Middle East areas primarily in the energy sectors. He also serves as guest lecturer at various SBM – ITB programs on Strategic Projects Portfolio Management, IT Project Management, and Digital Transformation. Mr. Akhmad will be joining Mr. Yos Sunitiyoso in delivering Successful Negotiation Strategies and Skills for Managing Program: Foundation and Practices module.
Dr. Abdurrahman Syahrawi, MT is founder and director of PT. Solmit Bangun Indonesia. He has a lot of experience as a consultant in the field of project management and PMO, GRC (Governance, Risk Management, Compliance) and Digital Transformation.