
Deddy Koesrindartoto is an Associate Professor at the ITB School of Business and Management, he is also a member of SBM-ITB Business Risks and Finance expertise group. Deddy is an Economist by training, received a Ph.D in Economics with minor in Statistics and held MSc. in Industrial Engineering, both from Iowa State University. He also earned a first degree in Electrical Engineering form Institute Technology of Bandung. Currently Deddy serves as the Director of Business Development and Endowment Fund Institut Teknologi Bandung.

Prior to joining SBM-ITB, Deddy was a Research Fellow at the Center for Computational Finance and Economics Agents (CCFEA) University of Essex, UK. He spent more than two years working for energy services industries before pursuing graduate studies.

Deddy's research interests are Agent Based Computational Economics (ACE), Modelling of Artificial and Adaptive Economic Agents, Simulations, Applied Microeconomics, Industrial Organization, Market Design,Financial Economics and Capital Market. He involved in several international infrastructure research projects, among of them are; US' Electricity Markets Deregulation funded in part by National Science Foundations and Los Alamos National Laboratory; designing Smart Market Protocol for Road Transportation funded by UK's Foresight Intelligent Infrastructure Systems Project.

Corporate Finance, Investment Management, Capital Markets, Statistics for Business, Complex Adaptive Systems, Microeconomics, and Macroeconomics are among Deddy's present and past teaching assignments. He consulted for World Bank, Ministry of Finance, BAPPENAS, Islamic Development Bank , Boston Consulting Group and some private companies. Deddy was the former Director of Graduate Programs in Management Science School of Business and Management, from 2011 - 2014. Currently he is the Head of SBM ITB Investment and Capital Market Laboratory.


MB1101 - Introduction to Business
MB3102 - Economics
MB4013 - Capital Market
MB4042 - Capital Market
MB5003 - Fundamentals of Mathematical Finance
MB5011 - Investment Theory and Portfolio
MB50M6 - Fundamental of Finance
MB5104 - Modelling in Management
MB5106 - Advanced Economics
MB5107 - Investment Ethics and Professional Standards
MB5201 - Practice in Data Analytics
MB5202 - Management Research Design
MB5206 - Time Series Analysis
MB6001 - Advanced Economics
MB6007 - Time Series Analysis and Data Analytics
MB6011 - Behavioral Finance
MB6063 - Computational Finance
MB6064 - Behavioral Finance
MB6096 - Internship
MB7102 - Quantitative Research Methodology
MB7104 - Preparation Examination
MB7201 - Research Proposal
MB8001 - Digital Economy and Financial Technology
MB9091 - Progress Seminar I
MB9092 - Progress Seminar II
MB9093 - Progress Seminar III
MM5005 - Economic and Business Landscape Analysis
MM5005 - Economics and Business Landscape Analysis
MM5006 - Business Economics
MM5006 - Financial Management and Policy
MM5007 - Financial Management
MM6023 - Capital Market Analysis
MM6032 - Capital Market Analysis