SBM ITB and School of Life Sciences and Technology (SITH) ITB will soon meet with Japan Premium Vegetable Co., Ltd (JPV) to continue joint agricultural research plans. SBM and SITH have submitted a research proposal on “The Relationship Between Entrepreneurial Traits and Land Productivity and Designing a Business Model for Agro-tourism in Rural Areas.” ITB and Tokai University have previously met on June 17, 2023.
Tokai University Professor Hitoshi Kinouchi expressed his appreciation for the research proposals put forth by SBM and SITH ITB. The collaboration between SBM ITB, SITH ITB, and JPV in agriculture is set to be implemented as a practical application in Indonesia, utilizing the Japanese design system.
JPV, established on January 4, 2022, is a startup company in the Asian Monsoon ICHIGO consortium. JPV aims to tackle climate change or global warming and provide safe, nutritious, and delicious Japanese brand vegetables. Utilizing its innovative approach, JPV effectively showcased the prototype of the IT Greenhouse and its application in cultivating a diverse selection of high-quality vegetables, even in the challenging climate of Japan, spanning from 2016 to 2020.
JPV’s Chief Technology Officer, Yukinori Matsumoto, outlined the company’s objective of implementing the outcomes of the ICHIGO Consortium and the Asian Monsoon PFS in countries such as Indonesia. The research and development plan will incorporate four leading technologies.
The first technology focuses on disease-free seeds, which play a vital role in stabilizing fruit production in hot and humid climates. The second technology involves an environment controller that utilizes remote monitoring to optimize the IT greenhouse environment. The third technology revolves around short cycle planting or year-round cultivation to minimize the risk of diseases. Lastly, JPV utilizes environmental control through specialized lighting and cooling techniques to support optimal nutritional balance and reproductive growth.
Dr. Yuni Ros Bangun, as SBM ITB faculty member representative, hopes that the meeting, which will be held on June 17, 2023, at the 1st Floor Building of SBM ITB, can increase the opportunities for research collaboration in the field of agribusiness and agripreneurship between Japan and Indonesia.
“There is the possibility of academic collaboration between Tokai University and SBM ITB, including research collaboration in social science agriculture, exchange of students and visiting professors, as well as post-doctoral opportunities,” explained Yuni.
In addition, SITH ITB, a collaboration partner focusing on biosciences, biotechnology, and resource management, can also take advantage of the possibility of academic collaboration. Includes online courses and vocational programs in farm business and management, a young leaders program in farm management, and the Mini MBA MBA Program in Food & Agribusiness Management.