Thirty-two students from the Young Professional (YP) in the Master of Business Administration (MBA) program at ITB attended a guest lecture on Research Methodology for Business course on Wednesday (21/6) at the Bandung Campus. Prof. Dr. Ir. Utomo Sarjono Putro, M.Eng, the lecturer handling the course, also attended the session.
The invited speaker is Evi Rachmawati, S. Kom, MBA, Assistant Technology and Information Analyst at PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN), as well as alumni of the Batch 65 BLEMBA (Business Leadership Executive MBA) program, presenting “Publication Strategy for MBA Students.”
The guest lecture was held for two days and was intended to prepare students to work on journals in the following semester. Publishing a journal is one of the graduation requirements for MBA ITB students.
Evi opened the session with thesis topic selection strategies because journals are scientific publications of thesis results.
Evi gave an example of searching journals using Scopus. According to Evi, when searching for journals, students must summarize their journal references to make it easier for students to write their thesis.
Evi also shared tips on writing engaging and informative abstracts. Students were allowed to discuss their thesis topic, and she provided valuable input. This guest lecture inspired the students in developing their research skills and scientific publications.