The process of technology commercialization is a critical aspect of the progress of the nation. Higher education as a research center has great potential to contribute by commercializing research products. Continuous improvement efforts can increase the effectiveness of the commercialization process in higher education.
“Collaboration is needed with industry, and research sandboxing efforts are a challenge to discuss in this forum,” said a Researcher from the Institute for Research, Innovation, and Commercialization (LPIK) ITB Arif Sasongko in a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) themed “Management of Technology Commercialization in Higher Education” in Bandung on Wednesday (12/7).
The Management of Technology Laboratory (MoT)of SBM ITB and LPIK ITB held this FGD to see how far the practice of technology commercialization is developing in various universities in Indonesia. Several speakers were also present to fill in the FGD, including the Main Director of PT Rekacipta Inovasi ITB Alam Indrawan, Secretary of the LPIK ITB Technology Transfer Institute Rofiq Iqbal, S. T, M. Eng, Ph. D., Commissioner of PT Rekacipta Inovasi ITB Gilarsi Wahju Setijono, Director of BPUDL-ITB Deddy Priatmodjo Koesrindartoto, Ph.D., Director of PUI UGM Hargo Utomo, Head of LKST IPB University Prof. Erika Budiarti Laconi, investors (MDI Telkom), industry representatives (SME and startups) such as Lintasarta and Kazee, companies (BUMN and private), as well as representatives from the government.
ITB Sustainable Fund and Business Management Agency (BPUDL) Director Deddy Priatmodjo Koesrindartoto highlighted the campus research commercialization scheme, which seems to overlap and needs better orchestration.
“Collaboration between research commercialization efforts at ITB, as has been done by PT Rekacipta Inovasi ITB and LPIK needs to be managed properly,” added Deddy.
PUI UGM Director, Hargo Utomo, added that understanding market needs and behavior is essential to commercialization efforts.
“The commercialization of technological innovations relies more on art than science,” said Hargo.
Meanwhile, the Head of LKST IPB University, Prof. Erika Budiarti Laconi, explained IPB University’s efforts in commercialization with a one-door spirit, where IPB facilitated all commercialization efforts.
“In IPB, no lecturers work alone; all go through the IPB University LKST,” said Erika.
It is hoped that by holding the FGD, all parties can gain insight into solutions for increasing the effectiveness of technology commercialization in tertiary institutions so that it can have a positive impact on the advancement of innovation in Indonesia.