SBM ITB and PT Tangkas Cipta Optimal (TACO) organized a “Welcoming Session” for the inaugural cohort of the Mini SBM program, coinciding with Youth Pledge Day (28/10). Embracing the digital era, this event was conducted online, enabling participants to connect anywhere. The distinguished attendees included Yunieta Anny Nainggolan, Ph.D., Deputy Chair of the SBM Mini Program; Melia Famiola, Ph.D., Chair of the SBM Mini Selection Team; and Fitantyo, TACO HR Manager.
The first batch of Mini SBM program participants was attended by 60 participants from various regions in Indonesia, not only from Java but also from Sumatra.
“Soekarno once said, ‘Give me ten young men, and I will shake the world.’ “Today, the Mini SBM program has 60 participants, and hopefully, the shock will be many times that,” said Melia Famiola.
This year-long program provides participants with access to education and training and prepares them to enter the world of decent work. In close collaboration between SBM ITB and TACO, participants will receive internship and mentoring training relevant to the needs of the world of work. The aim is to provide relevant skills and knowledge so that participants are ready to face challenges in the world of work.
The Mini SBM curriculum consists of a 6-month learning program with material on Leadership and Management and Action Learning Projects. Then, a six-month internship program at a partner company.
SBM ITB lecturer, Budi Permadi Iskandar explained that innovative and interactive learning methods are the key to shaping participants into superior future leaders. Mini SBM participants can study independently, interact with tutors and fellow participants, and apply knowledge in real projects. This comprehensive learning approach aims to ensure participants gain rich and relevant experience in the world of work, preparing them well for future challenges.
Meanwhile, Yunieta Anny Nainggolan, Ph.D., the Deputy Chair of the Mini SBM Program, hopes that graduates from the Mini SBM program will have the competencies and skills needed to be ready to participate in an internship program and start their careers.