Photo illustration from Medical photo created by jcomp -
“In 2013, around 95 percent of the raw materials for medicine in Indonesia or Rp. 21 trillion were still imported. In details, 30 percent of raw materials come from India, 60 percent from China and 10 percent from Europe,” said the R&D Group and External Relations Director for PT Kalbe Farma Tbk’s Pharma, Pre Agusta Siswantoro in the Webinar Series #7: New Healthcare Operations Management: Now or Never! on Saturday (5/6/2020).
According to Agusta, making raw materials required high technology at a great cost. But on the other hand, he said, the Indonesian market was relatively small. “If Indonesia can increase 30-40 percent medicine production, we can be independent. We hope that Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional (JKN) or Indonesia’s national health insurance program will be launched soon to improve national’s medicine consumption rate,” Agusta added.
At the same time, Halodoc CEO & Co Founder, Jonathan Sudharta presented the Halodoc’s journey after 4 years running. His slide showed that there were 18 million users with 80 percent return whereas there were 20,000 doctors, 2,200 pharmacies, 2,300 providers, 450 hospitals that collaborate with Halodoc. “When Covid-19 pandemic started, most of markets were dropped. But not for Halodoc. Public changed their consumption priority to healthcare products. It can be seen from how they spend the money to buy health supplement,” as explicated by Jonathan. He mentioned that health products sales through Halodoc raised to 687 percent since the beginning of Covid-19 pandemic.
This webinar also invited prominent speakers in health industry such as Director of Siloam Hospital Labuan Bajo, Hermas Irawan, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine Unpad, Dr. med. Setiawan, Director of Research Institute for Healthcare Management (IRIHM) Dr. Mursyid Hasan Basri who is also a senior faculty member of SBM ITB.