Keluarga Mahasiswa Manajemen ITB (KMM ITB) is a student association of Bachelor of Management study program in School of Business and Management ITB. KMM ITB was founded in 2015. KMM aims to support the goal of SBM ITB in fostering a development of students as the new generation of leaders.


KMM ITB as an inclusive environment in achieving organizational equity based on management science


Forming the Mass of KMM ITB with management knowledge that is relevant and useful to the dynamics of the professional industry

Accommodates risk-free exploration and actualization of interests, talents and creativity

Instilling the identity of civil society and morals to be able to coexist with each other

Fulfill the sustainability and basic welfare of the masses of KMM ITB as a student

Build the foundation of KMM capability and image in the long term in accordance with the dignity of SBM ITB

Facilitating integrative relationships between internal and external ecosystems of KMM ITB

The Team

Contact us

Jl. Ganesa No.10, Lb. Siliwangi, Kecamatan Coblong, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40132

+6281218573131 (Findyta)
